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Diterbitkan olehHadi Kartawijaya Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
Pertemuan 17 Materi : Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi :
Understanding Business Intelligence Concept and Application Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi : Kalakota, Ravi & Marcia Robinson (2001). e-Business 2.0. Roadmap for Success. Addison-Wesley. Bab 11
Definisi Intelijen bisnis (BI) adalah seperangkat teknik dan alat untuk mengubah data mentah menjadi informasi yang berarti dan berguna untuk keperluan analisis bisnis. Teknologi BI mampu menangani sejumlah besar data tidak terstruktur untuk membantu mengidentifikasi, mengembangkan dan menciptakan peluang bisnis strategis baru. Tujuan dari BI adalah untuk memungkinkan penafsiran yang mudah terhadap volume data yang besar, mengidentifikasi peluang baru dan menerapkan strategi yang efektif berdasarkan pengetahuan yang dapat memberikan keuntungan pasar yang kompetitif dan stabilitas jangka panjang
Evolution of Knowledge Management Application
The End-to-End Model
Elements of Knowledge Management Applications
Business Intelligence Data Sources
Personalization Step
Analytical Applications in a Retail Setting
Personalization applications allow you to :
Provide each customer with a personalized Web page-a portal-that allows the customer to interact, transact, and collaborate with the company. For example, provide customers with one-click access to all related activity-from support requests and credit checking to sales questions and order-status information. Display only the information you want individual customers to see. For example, all customer cases-inquiries, trouble tickets, purchases, and so on-can be stored in the same database, but each customer sees only his or her own. Next…..
Proactively notify customers of product improvements and upgrades, promotions, and service enhancements relevant to them. Your most loyal customers are automatically provided the highest level of service and managed in a distinct business process. Tailor information and recommendations according to each customer's individual preferences. For example, prefill service or sales requests with customer data, saving them and you time from having to repeatedly ask for the same information. Deliver personally relevant information related to the products that customers own. Avoid overwhelming customers with unrelated information.
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