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Charlotte Butler : 2002 Oleh : Shirley Santosa Margaretha Mulyono

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Presentasi berjudul: "Charlotte Butler : 2002 Oleh : Shirley Santosa Margaretha Mulyono"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Dare to Do : The Story of William Soerjadjaja and PT Astra International
Charlotte Butler : 2002 Oleh : Shirley Santosa Margaretha Mulyono Stephie Sabatini Andre Budianto Yuyun Yuanita

2 Profil William Soerjadjaja

3 Sejarah Awal William Soerjadjaja
1934 : kehilangan orang tua 1942 : jual koran bekas : trafficking law transportasi barang antara Bandung dan Jakarta 1947 : menikah : kursus penyamakan kulit di Belanda, melakukan perdagangan pasar gelap : mendirikan PT Sanggabuana

4 PT Astra International, 1957-1989
1957: The Soerjadjaja family founds Astra International as a grocery trading company and then expands into imports of asphalt and construction materials. 1967: Astra is granted an import license by the new Suharto-controlled government; the company begins importing trucks for sale to the government. 1969: Astra pays $1 million to acquire 60 percent of KN Gaya Motors; the company begins assembling cars for Toyota.

5 PT Astra International, 1957-1989
1971: The company receives an exclusive license for Toyota in Indonesia, forming a Toyota-Astra joint venture. 1972 : Astra begins production of car batteries. 1984 : Astra agro-business by opening a coconut farm area of ​​15,000 hectares and casava in Lampung. 1985 : Astra begins to export company-manufactured automotive components, including spark plugs and Toyota car engines.

6 PT Astra International, 1989-2000
1990: Astra International goes public with listings on the Jakarta and Surubaya stock exchanges. 1991 Mendirikan PT Astra Dian Lestari yang mengelola bidang usaha komponen PT Pantja Motor meluncurkan Isuzu Panther Mendirikan Astra Mitra Ventura yang menyediakan fasilitas pinjaman modal bagi UKM 1992: The Soerydadjaya family loses control of Astra International. 1995 Mendirikan Politeknik Manufaktur Astra yang menyediakan pendidikan formal tingkat diploma di bidang manufaktur 1999 Astra menandatangani kesepakatan restrukturisasi hutang tahap pertama Astra Daihatsu Motor meluncurkan Daihatsu Taruna 2000 Merestrukturisasi bisnis sepeda motor Merestrukturisasi bisnis BMW

7 The Evolution of the Astra Businesses
Importing asphalt and construction equipment – President Soekarno work project 1960 1972 one of brother died and William become a chairman and main shareholder up until 1992 Group control roughly 240 enterprises : automobile assembly, manufacturing of motorcycles, the sale and manufacture of financial services, agro-business, sheet glass, export industries, and various services. Business ties with Soeharto-families.

8 The Evolution of the Astra Businesses
Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam membangun kerja sama : Clear Objectives Control Leverage Your Power Build Trust and Respect Know when to withdraw Keep a close on operations Understand his business model

9 Organization and Management
Pny shirley

10 Kesimpulan Yg 6 poin

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