Pertemuan <<2>> <<Personal Computing>>

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pertemuan <<2>> <<Personal Computing>>"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pertemuan <<2>> <<Personal Computing>>
Matakuliah : <<G0652>>/<<Bahasa Inggris Komputer I l>> Tahun : <<2005>> Versi : <<versi>> Pertemuan <<2>> <<Personal Computing>>

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : << merangkum isi bacaan mengenai Personal Computing dalam bahasa Indonesia >>

3 Materi 1 Textbook Unit 1: Personal Computing
Outline Materi Materi 1 Textbook Unit 1: Personal Computing Materi 2 : Answering questions from the textbook,page 7, task 7 Materi 3: Understanding difficult words on page 8, task 8. Materi 4: Summarizing three paragraphs of Personal Computing in Indonesian.

4 Read the passage “Personal Computing” Answering questions:
<<ISI>> Read the passage “Personal Computing” Answering questions: The students have to answer all the questions written in the textbook pages 5 and 7.This activity will be evaluated by the lecturer. Thus all should be active in order to get a good mark in this subject. - Discussing the difficult words found in the text.

5 << CLOSING>>
The students should submit their assignment in finding the difficult words including the noun and the verbal phrases. The lecturer should discuss the students 'work. They have to do together the works given in the textbook and in the supporting material. Assignment 1: Individual – reading and understanding the whole passage. Assignment 2: Group – translating the whole passage. Assignment 3: Forum – doing exercises prepared for week 3 from the supporting material.





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