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Materi pembahasan Tujuan perkuliahan:
memberikan pemahaman mengenai konsep mutu (definisi dan perkembangan teori mutu) mutu ditinjau dari beberapa sudut pandang dan jenis industri Tujuan perkuliahan: Dengan mengikuti kuliah ini maka peserta akan mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas dan menyeluruh mengenai mutu, dan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang penerapan sistem mutu pada suatu industri.
Silabus Perkuliahan: Concept and Definitions Quality Management System
Model for Business Excellence (MBNQA & EFQM) Quality Function Deployment Quality Costs Quality Tools: SPC & 7 Tools
Jadwal Perkuliahan: Sesi 1: Concept and Definitions
Sesi 2: Quality Management System & Model for Business Excellence (MBNQA & EFQM) Sesi 3: Quality Costs Sesi 4: Quiz (bahan sesi 1-3) Sesi 5: SPC Sesi 6: Kapabilitas Proses Sesi 7: UTS (bahan sesi 1-6)
Jadwal Perkuliahan: Sesi 8: Kepuasan Pelanggan
Sesi 9: Quality Function Deployment Sesi 10: 7 tools & 7 new tools Sesi 11: Presentasi Tugas (1) Sesi 12: Presentasi Tugas (2) Sesi 13: Presentasi Tugas (3) Sesi 14: UAS (bahan semua sesi)
Penilaian: Kehadiran 10% Tugas 10% Quiz 10% UTS 30% UAS 40%
REWARD: bagi mhs yg mdpt nilai A utk tugas & kuis & UTS mk tidak perlu ikut UAS & langsung mdpt A PUNISHMENT: bagi mhs yg mdpt nilai C atau kurang utk tugas atau kuis atau UTS, wajib membuat rangkuman 10 halaman
Tugas: Ada beberapa tugas yg berbeda-beda diantara kelompok, misalnya:
Pencarian jurnal (“top tier”) & pembuatan rangkuman Studi kasus atas penerapan SPC Pencarian contoh nyata atas definisi, misalnya dimensi kualitas
Buku Bacaan Joel E. Ross. (2005). Total Quality Management: Text, Cases & Readings. Evans, J.R. and Lindsay, W.M. (2002). The Management and Control of Quality. 5th edition. South-Western Publishing Co. Besterfield, D.H. et.al. (2003) Total Quality Management. 3rd edition. Prentice-Hall. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B. (1997) Introduction to Total Quality: Quality Management for Production, Processing and Services. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall International Inc. Miller, I. and Miller, M. (1995) Statistical Methods for Quality: With Applications to Engineering and Management. Prentice Hall International Inc.
Kuliah 1: Konsep & Definisi Istilah-Istilah Mutu
Evolusi Manajemen Mutu
What is Quality ? Definition of 'Quality' Poor Quality High Quality
- perception - subjective Definition of 'Quality'
Definisi Mutu “Fitness for Purpose”. Juran (1988)
“The total composite product and service characteristics of marketing, engineering, manufacture, and maintenance through which the product and service in use will meet the expectations of the customer”. Feigenbaum (1991). “Conformance to requirements.” Crosby (1979) “The totally of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy given needs.” ANSI/ASQC Standard, DIN & EOQC Feigenbaum, A.V. Total Quality Control. 3rd Edition. Mc-Graw Hill, New York. ANSI/ASQC Standard, “Quality System Terminology,” A3-1978, prepared jointly by the American National Standards Institue (ANSI) and the Amercican Society for Quality Control (ASQC) Crosby.P.B. (1979) Quality is Free, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Juran, J.M. Quality Control Handbook. 4rd Edition. McGraw Hill, New York. MM-UMB
Quality is a customer determination
- not an engineer’s determination - not a marketing staff determination - not a general management determination
Istilah-Istilah Mutu (NOTIONS OF QUALITY)
Mutu PRODUK (Quality of Products and/or Services) Mutu PROSES (Quality of Process) Mutu OPERASI (Quality of Operations) Mutu MANAJEMEN (Quality of Management) MM-UMB
1. MUTU PRODUK Sudut pandang Manufacturer Kesesuaian (conformance),
Kinerja (performance), Karakteristik (features) Sudut pandang Pelanggan Kinerja (performance), Ketangguhan (reliability), Daya Tahan (durability) Value for money, Features, Estetika Layanan Purna-Jual
8 Dimensi Mutu Garvin (1987)[*];
Performance. The operating characteristics of the product Feature. Secondary characteristics that supplement the product’s operating characteristics Reliability. The anticipated failure rate of the product. Conformance. The lack defects in the product when delivered [*] Garvin, D.A. Competing on the eight dimensions of Quality. Harvard Business Review. Nov-Des. pp
8 Dimensi Mutu Garvin (1987)[2];
Durability. The useful life of the product Serviceability. The ability to obtain satisfactory repair Aesthetics. The customer’s feelings about the appearance of the product Perceived quality. The customer’s overall feeling about the product [2] Garvin, D.A. Competing on the eight dimensions of Quality. Harvard Business Review. Nov-Des. pp
MUTU LAYANAN JASA Quality of service also relies on the totality of features and characteristics of service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs. It involves- Meeting requirements of customers; Providing courteous service; Giving value for money; Providing in a timely manner.
10 Dimension of Service Quality (Zeithaml & Parasuraman, 1988)
Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Competence Courtesy Credibility Security Access Communication Understanding
10 Dimension of Service Quality (Zeithaml & Parasuraman, 1988)
Tangibles: Appearance physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication material Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service Competence: Possession of the required skills and knowledge to perform the service Courtesy: Politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness of contact personnel
10 Dimension of Service Quality (Zeithaml & Parasuraman, 1988)
Credibility: Trustworthiness, believability, honesty of the service provider Security: Freedom from danger, risk, or doubt Access Communication: Keeping customers informed in language they can understand and listening to them Understanding: Making the effort to know customers and their needs
MUTU PROSES Kemampuan proses (process capability) - % kegagalan
Tingkat penurunan mutu (deterioration rate), mis: waktu rata2 dari in-control kepada out-of-control. Biaya manufaktur per produk unit Kemudahan untuk operasi Skill of workforce
MUTU OPERASI Berkaitan dengan mutu produk atau jasa yang diinginkan oleh pihak perusahaan (desired quality). Dipengaruhi oleh mutu proses produksi dan mutu input. QUALITY OF OPERATION Quality that build in the operation level of manufacturing (at level 1 and level 2 of three model of manufacturing) MM-UMB
Evolusi Manajemen Mutu
How they assured Quality? (1900-)
By inspecting the produced products inspection (traditional approach) was intended to ensure that no faulty product left the factory of workshop Inspection Focused on the product and the detection of quality problems;
How the assured Quality? (1900-)
Involved testing every item Carried out at the end of the production process Relied in work supervisors & trained inspection
Pengendalian Mutu Quality Control (1930- )
Recognized the need of controlling quality at critical stages of production process. This involved: Focusing in product and the detection and control of quality problems; Testing samples of product and inferring compliance of all products on a statistical basis;
Pengendalian Mutu Quality Control (1930- )
Exercising control at stages through the production process; Utilizing trained production personnel and quality control professionals.
Penjaminan Mutu Quality Assurance (1950- )
Quality control further evolved, and the concept of Quality Assurance (QA) was introduced. QA Focuses in building quality into processes to prevent quality problems in products or services; Monitoring and managing processes to ensure quality;
Penjaminan Mutu Quality Assurance (1950- )
Occurs during defined/critical stages of all processes from design to delivery; Places reliance on technological innovation for quality improvements; Relies on every person in the organization
Penjaminan Mutu Quality Assurance (1950- )
“All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirement for quality” "The total effort by a manufacturer to ensure that its products conform to a detailed set of specifications and standards” (International Standard ISO-8402)
Manajemen Mutu QUALITY MANAGEMENT & TQM (1980s ….)
Quality Management is: “coordinated activities to direct and control an organisation with regard to quality” (ISO 9000:2000 )=> terbaru ISO 9000:2005 Controlling Process rather than Controlling People or Product.
Manajemen Mutu QUALITY MANAGEMENT (1980s )
Berkaitan dengan keseluruhan aktifitas dan elemen yang mempengaruhi kinerja bisnis suatu industri. Dimensi dari “quality of management” ini berbeda untuk setiap perusahaan. Quality at Strategic level (Level 3) MM-UMB
Total Quality Management (TQM)
More recent concept is the concept of “total Quality Management “TQM has a broad focus and requires understanding of: Currents and future customer needs, requirements and expectations; Principal that everyone in the organization is responsible for quality;
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Process and system approach to work which requires managing the results of interrelated steps and activities; Factual approach to decision requiring analysis of data and information; Continual improvement as a permanent objective of the organization.
Involve suppliers and customers Involve all operations Process management Performance measurement Teamwork Employee involvement INSPECTION QC QA TQM QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality systems development Advanced quality planning Comprehensive quality manuals Use of quality costs Involvement of non-production operations Failure mode and effects analysis Statistical process control Continual Improvement Empowering people Caring for people Involvement Compliance to specification Allocating blame QUALITY CONTROL Develop quality manual Process performance data Self-inspection Product testing Basic quality training Use of basic statistics Paperwork controls INSPECTION Salvage Sorting, grading, re-blending Corrective actions Identify sources of non-conformance
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