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Tutorial ke - 7 Shopping and Customs What to Buy in Yogyakarta

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1 Tutorial ke - 7 Shopping and Customs What to Buy in Yogyakarta
Talking about Prices and Bargaining Customs and Duty Free-Shops

2 1. What to Buy in Yogyakarta
What are the typical souveniers of Yogyakarta? Jenis-jenis cendera mata khas yogya : - batik - lukisan - kerajinan perak - kerajinan kulit - tembikar - keramik - kerajinan kayu - rotan dan bambu - kerajinan kulit penyu dan tanduk - kerajinan kuningan dan tembaga

3 How does the guide explain batik. 1
How does the guide explain batik? 1. memberikan gambaran umum atau definisi : 2. menjelaskan bahan untuk membuat batik 3. memberikan gambaran yang lebih rinci dengan memasukkan unsur-unsur(jenis-jenis batik, alat produksi utama) 4. tempat dan lokasi di mana kita dapat menemukannya Expressions used to explain things: 1. This bag is made of leather 2. This table is made of wood 3. Sugar is made from sugar cane 4. This shirt is made from cotton

4 Unit 2. Talking about Prices and Bargaining
Expression used to ask something to buy? a) I am looking for shirt b) I would like to (buy , have) batik Expressions used to specify something to buy for instance batik shirt? a) It’s not really my style b) It’s too old looking c) I think the colour is much too bright

5 Expressions used to ask for price
Expressions used to ask for price? a) How much is that/ this horn hair pin? b) How much are they/ this shirt? c) How much are these/ those books? d) How much are these/ those bags? e) How much/What does this/ that comb cost? f) How much/ what does this/ that pen cost? g) How much/ what do these/ those applet cost? h) How much/ what do these/ those lampshades? i) What is the price of this/ that post card? j) What is the price of these/ those shoes?

6 3. Customs and Duty Free-Shops
The term used in immigration and costums : 1. port of entry : pintu masuk 2. costums : pabean/ duane 3. costums regulation : aturan kepabeanan 4. currency regulation : aturan tentang mata uang 5. immigration : imigrasi 6. immigration counter : meja imigrasi 7. landing card : kartu imigrasi 8. duty-free shop : toko bebas pajak 9. dutiable goods : barang-barang yang terkena pajak 10.duty-free articles : barang-barang bebas pajak 11.personal effects : barang-barang pribadi 12. quarantine officer : petugas karantina 13. immigration officer : petugas imigrasi 14. confiscate : menyita 15. costums formalities : prosedur bea-cukai 16. costums declaration : daftar barang-barang yang terkena bea wilayah

7 Cara membuat definisi suatu istilah adalah a
Cara membuat definisi suatu istilah adalah a. Dengan memberikan penjelasan definitive, kemudian disusul dengan contoh-contoh b. Dengan memberikan contoh-contoh, kemudian memberikan penjelasan definitive Pada umumnya landing card, custom regulations, dan currency regulations pada tiap negara sama.

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