Universitas Padjadjaran

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1 Universitas Padjadjaran
12. Struktur Organisasi Perilaku Organisasi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung 2004

2 Tujuan Pengajaran Job Design Organizational design

3 Organization Structure
Pattern of jobs and groups of jobs in an organization. An important cause of individual and group behavior

4 Job Design The process by which managers decide individual job tasks and authority Organizational Design Management decision and actions that result in a specific organization structure

5 Enam Unsur Utama dalam Merancang Struktur Organisasi
Spesialisasi Kerja Departementalisasi Rantai Komando Rentang Kendali Sentralisasi dan Desentralisasi Formalisasi

6 Tiga Desain Organisasi yang Lazim Digunakan
Struktur Sederhana Birokrasi Struktur Matrik Empat Desain Struktural : Struktur Tim Organisasi Virtual Organisasi Tanpa Tapal-Batas Organisasi Feminim

7 Diperlunak oleh Perbedaan-perbedaan Individu
Struktur Organisasi : Determinan dan Hasilnya Penyebab Strategi Ukuran Teknologi Lingkungan Desain Struktural Mekanistik Organik Kinerja dan Kepuasaan Menentukan Menimbulkan Diperlunak oleh Perbedaan-perbedaan Individu

8 Jawaban Diberikan Oleh
Enam pertanyaan utama yang perlu dijawab para manajer dalam merancang Struktur Organisasi No Pertanyaan Utama Jawaban Diberikan Oleh 1. Sampai Tingkat manakah tugas-tugas dibagi ke dalam pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang terpisah? Spesialisasi kerja 2. Atas dasar apakah pekerjaan-pekerjaan akan dikelompokkan? Departementalisasi 3. Kepada siapakah individu dan kelompok melapor? Rantai Komando 4. Berapa jumlah individu sebenarnya yang dapat diarahkan oleh seorang manajer secara efektif dan efisien? Rentang Kendali 5. Dimana letak wewenang pengambilan keputusan? Sentralisasi dan Desentralisasi 6. Sampai tingkat manakah ada aturan dan pengaturan untuk mengarahkan karyawan dan manajer? Formalisasi

9 Integrative Framework for Organizational Design
Environmental factors Technical subenvironment Market subenvironment Production subenvironment Organizational effectiveness Production Quality Flexibility Efficiency Satisfaction Competitiveness Development Survival Key design decision Job design Departmental bases Spans of control Delegation of authority Organization design Mechanistic Matrix Organic Organizational dimensions Formalization Centralization Complexity Size Managerial factors Strategic choice Skill Values

10 Conceptual Model of Job Design and Job Performance
Social Setting differences Technological factors Task factors Job analysis Job design Perceived job content Job performance Human factors Individual difference

11 Job Design: The Results of Job Analysis
Range and Depth Job Range Number of task a person is expected to perform while doing a job. The more tasks required, the greater the job range Job Depth Degree of influence or discretion that an individual possesses to choose how a job will be performed

12 Job Depth and Range: Differences in Selected Jobs
College professors Hospital anesthesiologists Business packing machine mechanics College presidents Hospital chiefs of surgery Business research scientists College instructors Hospital bookkeepers Business assembly-line workers College department chairpersons Hospital nurses Business maintenance repair workers High Job Depth Low Job Range Low High

13 Job relationships Interpersonal relationships required or made possible on the job Job rotation Practice of moving individuals from job to job to reduce potential boredom and increase potential motivation and performance Job enlargement Practice of increasing the number of tasks for which an individual is responsible. Increase job range, but not depth Job Enrichment Practice of increasing discretion individual can use to select activities and outcomes. Increase job depth and accordingly fulfills growth and autonomy needs

14 Techniques of job redesign
Underspecialization - Work simplification - Reenggineering Overspecialization - Job rotation - Job enlargement - Job enrichment - Autonomous work teams Source: Wherther & Davis

15 Job Design To Increase Motivation
The Job Characteristics Model Job Enrichment Job Rotation Work at home Flexible hours Source: De Cenzo & Robbins

16 Job characteristic Model
Core Job Characteristic Critical psychological states Individual work outcomes Skill variety Task identity Task significance Experienced meaningfulness of the work High intrinsic work motivation Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work High-quality work performance Autonomy Knowledge of actual result of the work High satisfaction with the work Feedback Low absenteeism and turnover Moderators ·  Growth need strength ·  Knowledge and skill ·  “Context” satisfactions

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