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Presentasi berjudul: "PROJECT PREPARATION REPORTS"— Transcript presentasi:

Summary & Conclusions Introduction Background Project Rationale The Project Area The Project Organization & Management Production, Markets, & Financial Results Benefits & Justification Outstanding Issues Annexes Gittinger, Appendix A, pp Handouts: NURZAMAN B

2 A preparation or appraisal report
Sources: FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization); The World Bank; other international lending institutions  FAO Investment Centre (1975 & 1977)  Inter-American Development Bank (1978) The substance is more important than its format Depending on the kind of project A non-specialist can understand Specialized back up information  Annexes or The Project Profile.

3 1. Summary & Conclusions 2 halaman; elemen penting sangat ringkas; mencakup rasional project & prioritas, tujuan, lokasi dan skala usaha, pemanfaat proyek (beneficiaries); komponen utama; periode investasi; biaya; organisasi; efek ekonomi & finansial; isu utama

4 2. Introduction Tidak bersifat teknis: persiapan (arrangements) shg laporan proyek telah disusun; Konsep dasar proyek dalam perencanaan pembangunan nasional ; Kelembagan dan organisasi lain terlibat dalam persiapan; Penghargaan terhadap team penyusun proyek Tidak bersifat rinci

5 3. Background Sejelas mungkin;
Dasar pemikiran dan latarbelakang pembahasan yg tepat; Kerangka proyek, gambaran kedepan yg luas dalam aspek ekonomi dan sosial; Hubungan yg jelas antara uraian latarbelakang dengan bahagian2 lain dari laporan  bertele-tele (ramble) sering terjadi di bahagian ini

6 3.1. Current Economic Situation
income per capita, X-M, BOP,  possible study of alternatives project 3.2. Agricultural Sector characteristics agric sector, constraints 3.3. Development & Social Objectives national plans, policies (price-i- subsidies-supply-rural income target), agric devel strategy 3.4. Income Distribution & Poverty to benefit particular group of the rural poor 3.5. Institution institutions involved: Dept of Acgric; bank;

7 4. Project Rationale Alasan memilih proyek; membahas peluang dan hambatan dalam sektor terkait; development strategy yang terkait dg proyek; tujuan dan skala proyek; mebahas resiko proyek dan langkah mengurangi resiko

8 5. The Project Area 5.1. Physical Features
lokasi; iklim; geologi/tanah/tipografi; sumber air; 5.2. Economic Base sumberdaya pertanian/peternakan; landuse/cropping system; supply/marketing; 5.3. Social Aspect land tenure/size holdings; population/ migration; Social service Infrastructure Institutions

9 6. The Project 6.1. Project Description 6.2. Detailed Features
6.3. Project Phasing & Disbursement Period 6.4. Cost Estimate: 6.5. Financing 6.6. Procurement 6.7. Environment Impact

10 7. Organization & Management
7.1. Credit Administration 7.2. Marketing Structure 7.3. Supply of Inputs 7.4. Land Reform 7.5. Reasearch 7.6. Extension 7.7. Cooperatives 7.8. Farmer Organization & Perticipation

11 8. Production, Markets, & Financial Results
8.2. Availability of Markets 8.3. Farm Income 8.4. Processing Industries & Marketing Agencies 8.5. Government Agencies or Project Authorities 8.6. Cost Recovery

12 9. Benefits & Justification
9.1. Social Benefit income distribution; employment; access to land; internal migration; nutrition & health; other indicators 9.2. Economic Benefit Chapter 7, 8, 9 , 10

13 10. Outstanding Issues Isu penting dari proyek yg berhub dg project rationale, kebijakan, pengelolaan, staffing, dan pengaturan keuangan  tekanan utk mengambil tindakan penting

14 11. Annexes Laporan rinci pendukung Lebih teknis dan utk specialists
Dalam bentuk map, tabel, gambar, charts, diagrams, photo


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