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Presentasi oleh: Irvan dan Aryo.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Presentasi oleh: Irvan dan Aryo."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Presentasi oleh: Irvan dan Aryo

2 Definisi Komunikasi untuk perubahan sosial adalah sebuah proses dialog publik dan privat yang dengan cara itu orang akan mendefinisikan siapa mereka, apa yang mereka inginkan, dan bagaimana mereka mendapatkan keinginan tersebut.

3 6 Komponen Penting dalam komunikasi untuk Perubahan Sosial
- Individu/komunitas yang paling terkena pengaruh (termarjinalisasi) harus menguasai proses dan konten komunikasi sehingga perubahan sosial bisa bertahan. - Harus bersifat pemberdayaan, arahnya horisontal bukan vertikal (top down). - Anggota masyarakat yang termarjinalisasi wajib diberikan ruang bersuara.

4 6 Komponen Penting dalam komunikasi untuk Perubahan Sosial
Masyarakat harus menjadi agen dari perubahan yang sedang mereka usung. Yang ditekankan adalah debat dan negosiasi pada isu-isu yang beresonansi dengan anggota masyarakat. Titik berat sebuah perubahan sosial bukan lagi perilaku individu melainkan norma sosial, kebijakan, budaya, dan pendukung lingkungan.

5 Komunikasi untuk Perubahan Sosial
Dialog untuk menyadarkan masyarakat Aksi Bersama (collective action) Memindahkan Gunung Apatisme Memindahkan Gunung Korupsi Memindahkan problem lainnya

6 Komunikasi untuk Perubahan Sosial
sama dengan Output Input

7 Individual changes strategy NOT EFFECTIVE.
Strategy shift from audience members as individual objects to audiences as social groups,and from the action of sources on receivers to the relationships among participants (Schramm,1973),to mutual understanding (Kincaid, 1979,1988),and to convergence within communication networks (Rogers and Kincaid,1981;Kincaid 1993; Rogers,1995)

8 Alternative Paradigm model of communication that describes a process of dialogue, information sharing,mutual understanding and agreement,and collective action. model of social change based on community dialogue and collective action that clearly specifies social outcomes as well as individual outcomes. model that represents a horizontal,symmetrical relationship among two or more participants (A,B,… n) that is created by sharing information


10 Convergence Inherent properties of this process suggest that over time most groups will converge toward a state of greater internal uniformity, also referred to as “local culture” (Kincaid,1988,1993). The convergence model of communication implies symmetry in the relationship of participants and equity of information sharing (action).

11 Integrated Model of Communication for Social Change
The development of a community can occur through a variety of change processes: Externally generated change. Individual behavior change. Social influence. Community dialogue and collective action.

12 Catalyst A dynamic and iterative process starts with a “catalyst/stimulus”that can be external or internal to the community. An internal stimulus. A change agent. An innovation. Policies. Availability of technology. Mass media.


14 Expectation Community’s sense of collective self-efficacy the confidence that together they can succeed in future projects, Sense of ownership the degree to which they perceive themselves as responsible for the project’s success and thus feel that they deserve the credit and benefits from the projectClick to add text

15 Social cohesion — the extent to which members want to cooperate in another community project and the degree to which the social network of the community is interconnected as opposed to divided into cliques and factions, Social norms — the accepted rules for participation, especially regarding who should or should not speak up and share in decision making and “fairness”regard- ing contribution and sharing of benefits,and,finally, Collective capacity — the overall ability of a community to engage in effective dialogue and collective action that is a consequence of all of the social change indi- cators specified by the model

16 Social Change Process Indicators
Social change refers to characteristics of a group of individuals that change over time,as opposed to changes in the individual members of a group. Using location as the criterion,a community is defined as : a group of people who reside in the same locality. For groups in which members do not reside in the same location,community is defined as a group of individuals who share a common interest

17 To measure social change in a group it is first necessary to define the group:
(1) to determine what criteria are used by community members to define themselves as a group,and (2) to establish the boundaries that determine who is inside and who is out- side of the group. Difficulty or inability to reach a consensus is the first evidence of potential divisions in the community that may reduce its overall capacity for community dialogue and collective action.


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