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The sum of total of part working independently and working together to achieve required results or outcomes, based on needs. (Roger A. Kufman, 1972) SYSTEM APROACH: - needs are identified - problems selected - requirements for solution are identified - solutions are chosen from alternatives - methods and means are obtained and implemented - results are evaluated - and required revisions to all part of the system are made so that the needs are eliminated

3 (a map of action /or accomplishment blueprint)
What is planning? A plan is a projection of what is to be accomplished to reach valid and valued goals. (a map of action /or accomplishment blueprint) Elemen-Elemen: 1. Identifikasi dan dokumentasi kebutuhan-kebutuhan 2. Pemilihan/seleksi kebutuhan yang layak mendapat prioritas untuk diberikan tindakan 3. Spesifikasi rinci hasil-hasil atau sasaran-sasaran yang harus dicapai untuk memenuhi setiap kebutuhan yang terpilih 4. Identifikasi apa-apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang terpilih 5. Sekuensi hasil-hasil yang yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang telah diidentifikasi 6. Identifikasi kemungkinan-kemungkinan strategi-strategi alternatif dan alat-alatnya yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan (termasuk kelemahan-keunggulan setiap strategi dan metode serta alat-alat yang digunakan)

4 Denis Haché

5 Education – A Management Process
The educational process may be managed, mismanaged, or fall into categories between these extremes. Elemen-elemen proses manajemen pendidikan : 1. Identifikasi problem (berdasarkan pada kebutuhan yang telah didokumentasi) 2. Tentukan solusi-solusi yang dibutuhkan dan solusi-solusi alternatifnya 3. Seleksi/Pilih solusi strategis (dari diantara alternatif-alternatif yang ada) 4. Penerapan strategi-strategi terpilih (untuk mencapai hasil-hasil yang diinginkan) 5. Tentukan penilaian efektivitas dan efisiensi kinerja 6. Lakukan revisi sesuai yang dikehendaki pada setiap proses penerapan strategi-strategi tsb.

6 Tools of educational system analysis:
Analisis Missi (a. Apa yg. Akan dicapai, b. Kriteria keberhasilan, c. Langkah-langkah (fungsi) yg. dibutuhkan serta manajemennya) Analisis Fungsi (Proses utk. Langkah yg harus dilakukan sesuai dg. Profile missi) Analisis Tugas (task) Analisis Metode- Alat (Methods and means) Tahap Analisis Missi Function Menentukan system yg digunakan utk. mencapai tujuan dan kriteria keberhasilan yg. digunakan. Menentukan langkah-langkah da- sar dan batas awal untuk melaku- kan tindakan Alat-alat (Tools) Tujuan-tujuan missi dan kinerja nya yang dibutuhkan 2. Profile missi (as miniature to describe the functions)

7 Task Analysis (TA) Langkah dasar TA: Identifikasi tugas-tugas
LINKAGES Needs Assessment Mission Analysis “Who is Required” Mission Profile Function Analysis Langkah dasar TA: Identifikasi tugas-tugas pokok/dasar dari setiap fungsi Tentukan karakteristik tugas “Lowest Level Functions” Task Analysis

8 Methods –means analysis
Menentukan metode-metode yang mungkin dan alat-alat (strategi-strategi serta instrumennya) untuk mencapai kinerja yang diperlukan Bagan Identify Mission Objective and Performance Requirement Identify Possible Methods-Means Reconcile Constraints Determine Mission Profile Identify Possible Methods-Means Identify Function and Performance Requirements Reconcile Constraints Identify Possible Methods-Means Identify Task and Performance Requirements Reconcile Constraints

9 Educational System planning Educational System Synthesis
RELATION BETWEEN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM PLANNING (NEEDS, SYSTEM ANALYSIS, WHAT AND SYSTEM SYNTHESIS (HOW) BAGAN Educational System planning Educational System Synthesis (Problem Identification) (Problem Resolution) Revise as Required Identify Problems Determine Solution Requirement And Alternative Select Solution Strategies Implement Determine Performance Effectiveness Perform Mission Analysis Perform Function Analysis Perform Task Analysis Perform Methods-Mean Analysis

Identifikasi Kebutuhan : The identification of needs is a discrepancy analysis thet identifies the two polar positions of: 1. Where are we now? 2. Where are we to be? Three Possible Dimensions for a Needs Assessment Nature of the Knowledge to be Acquired Nature of the implementer Nature of the learner Society to be served Enter

11 Summary table Formulating and Documenting Needs What is ?
What should be? What is (Current Condition) What should be (Required Condition) 1. Learner 2. Implementer 3. Society

12 Steps in Conducting a Needs Assessment
Decide to plan Identify problem symptoms or obtain a request for a needs assessment from the educational agency Identify the domain for planning (e.g. A school district) Identify possible needs assessment tools and procedures Determine the existing condition, with prime focus on the learner Determine required condition, again with prime focus on the learner Reconcile any discrepancies that exist between the planning partners, identifying the needs so that there is concensus of leaners, society, and implementer Place priorities among the discrepancies and select those on which action will be taken 9. Make sure that the needs assessment process is a continuing procedures to assure that educational design job will always be up to date

13 Lanjutan Perencanaan Strategik
Strategic Analysis Internal External Strategy The central, integrated ,externally oriented concept Of how a firm will Acheive its objectives Arenas Vehicles Differentiators Staging Economic logic Vision and Mission Fundamental organizational purpose -Organiaational values Implementation Goals And Objectives Specific targets

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