Sistem Reproduksi & saraf

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Presentasi berjudul: "Sistem Reproduksi & saraf"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Sistem Reproduksi & saraf

2 Reproduksi Hewan Reproduksi Seksual Vs Aseksual
Pola reproduksi partenogenesis&hermafrodit Fertilisasi internal Vs eksternal Feromon Sel Kelamingonad

3 46.6 Reproductive anatomy of a parasitic flatworm

4 46.7 Insect reproductive anatomy

5 Reproduksi Mamalia Anatomi reproduksi jantan
Urutkan perjalanan sistem reproduksi jantan! Apa yang dimaksud semen? Hewan pengeratbakulum Anatomi reproduksi betina Urutkan perjalanan sistem reproduksi betina!

6 46.8 Reproductive anatomy of the human male

7 46.9 Reproductive anatomy of the human female

8 46.11 Structure of a human sperm cell

9 Pola hormonal pada reproduksi
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan pertumbuhan primer?bedakan dengan pertumbuhan sekunder Jelaskan hormon-hormon yang berperan! Siklus menstruasi Vs Siklus estrus Penerapan statistik?

10 cycle of the human female
46.15 The reproductive cycle of the human female Contents

11 46.19 Hormonal induction of labor

12 46,20 The three stages of labor

13 46.21 Mechanisms of some contraceptive method Contents

14 Perkembangan Hewan Gametogenesis
Beda spermatogenesis VS Oogenesis Tahap gametogenesisfertilisasi Reaksi akrosom &fast & blocking Morulaembryo Embryo3 lapisan embryonik gastrulaorganogenesis

15 47.5 Fertilization in mammals

16 47.10 Gastrulation in a frog embryo

17 Sistem Saraf Fungsi? Susunan saraf pusat Vs susunan saraf tepi
Bagian-bagian sel saraf/ neuron Jenis-jenis neuron Penerapan statistik?

18 48.1 Overview of a vertebrate nervous system

19 48.2 Structure of a vertebrate neuron

20 48.3 Structural diversity of neurons

21 The knee-jerk reflex Contents

22 48.5 The basis of the membrane potential

23 of the action potential
Propagation of the action potential Contents

24 Saltatory conduction Contents

25 48.10 A chemical synapse Contents

26 Organisasi sistem saraf
Sistem saraf berkorelasi dengan simetri tubuh Sentalisir vs tidak tersentralisir SSTsensoris Vs motoris Batang otakaktivitas otomatis kelangsungan hidup Serebelumkeseimbangan Talamus+hipotalamushormonal +jam biologis Serebrumpusat kegiatan Otak manusiaobjek penelitian Kiripengetahuan intelejensia,kananemosi

27 48.13 Diversity in nervous systems

28 48.14 The nervous system of a vertebrate Contents

29 of the peripheral nervous system
48.15 Functional hierarchy of the peripheral nervous system Contents

30 of the parasympathetic and
48.16 The main roles of the parasympathetic and sympathetic components of the motor division's automatic nervous system in regulating Internal body functions Contents

31 development of the brain
48.17 Embryonic development of the brain Contents

32 48.19 Structure and functional areas of the cerebrum

33 48.20 Primary motor and somatosensory areas of the human cerebral cortex

34 48.22 The reticular formation

35 48.23 The limbic system Contents

36 Indera/ reseptor sensoris
Fotoreseptormatareseptor elektromagnetik Kemoreseptor Vs Mekanoreseptor Termoreseptor Reseptor olfaktoris Pendengaran & kesetimbangan Sensor Gurat sisi pada ikan

37 49.1 Sensory receptors in human skin

38 49.4 Eye cups and orientation behavior of a planarian

39 Compound eyes Contents

40 49.6 Structure of the vertebrate eye

41 49.7 Focusing in the mammalian eye Contents

42 49.8 Photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina

43 49.11 Neural pathways for vision

44 49.12 Structure and function of the human ear

45 49.13 How the cochlea distinguishes pitch

46 49.14 Organs of balance in the inner ear

47 49.15 The lateral line system in a fish

48 49.20 Olfaction in humans Contents

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