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Prepared by Oktaviana Purnamasari, S.Sos, M.Si April 11, 2011
The Power of Screen Prepared by Oktaviana Purnamasari, S.Sos, M.Si April 11, 2011
Media Audio Visual untuk Beriklan?
Mengapa Menggunakan Media Audio Visual untuk Beriklan? Media yang memanfaatkan screen (layar) biasanya menggunakan unsur audio (suara) dan visual (gambar) untuk beriklan/menyampaikan pesannya. Banyak sekali media menggunakan screen yang bisa digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan selain TV. Contohnya adalah bioskop, video di layar handphone, video yang bisa diunduh di layar komputer (melalui YouTube misalnya), dll. Karena menggabungkan suara dan gambar, maka media audio visual yang menggunakan screen memiliki potensi yang lebih besar untuk menarik perhatian audience
Screen, The Big Attraction Why screen is so powerful?
For millennia, people had experienced Sight, Sound and Motion everyday on the streets, at festivals and sports events, out shopping, in the markets. Sure, all of them can be entertaining and engaging, but Sight, Sound, and Motion need the screen to become magic. Why screen is so powerful?
The Screen Feels Real The screen makes real many experiences we could never have before, and often experiences completely beyond the power of human beings. Ex: Di bioskop teknologi 3D semakin membuat screen terlihat real/nyata
The Screen Feels Intimate
Emotional paradox when we’re sitting in the dark of the movies: the more remote and beautiful they are, the closer we feel to them. Ex: Adegan film Eat, Pray, Love di Bali yang membuat kita seolah-olah sedang berada di Bali juga.
The Screen Pumps Out Content
People want screens because screens open the door to more stories, more images, more information and more excitement than ever before. Screen lebih kaya dalam menyajikan cerita, informasi dan berbagai kegembiraan
The Screen is Physical A memorable image from Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report was Tom Cruise as John Anderton searching through files on a transparent screen. Games industry: kid in action on the most primitive touch screen reveals the potential. An instant physical relationship between the body and screen. It’s true interactivity. Ada relasi fisik antara tubuh dan layar (screen) terutama jika yang digunakan adalah layar sentuh. Ex: Anak kecil main game di layar sentuh komputer tablet. Di fil m Minority Report Tom Cruise mencari file yang ada di layar transparan.
The Screen is a Loyal Companion
Most people still flick on the TV set when they get home, “just for company”, and around 40 % of Americans always watch TV while eating dinner. Mayoritas orang menganggap TV sebagai teman. Ketika pulang kantor atau untuk menemani pagi, mereka menyalakan TV meskipun tidak ditonton secara khusus. Bahkan 40% orang Amerika selalu menyalakan TV saat makan malam.
The Screen Loves to Play
Gaming is a $ 28-billion industry worldwide The success of Farmville in Facebook is awesome First day sales of Microsoft’s Xbox game Halo 2 were $ 125 million. Beragam permainan yang sukses terjual berbentuk game yang dimainkan menggunakan layar melalui komputer (tablet, laptop, desktop) atau lewat layar TV yang tersambung ke Play Station, Wii atau Xbox
The Screen is Likeable People genuinely enjoy their time in front of the screen-and that’s probably why we spend so much of it there. Americans spend half their leisure time (11% of their lives) watching television; Japanese spend even more. Not only TV, people also loves to play games on the laptop and phones. Screen disenangi banyak orang. Terbukti banyak orang yang hobi nonton TV atau main game.
The Screen Tells Stories
Stories help us make sense of our world, to understand the patterns and to make connections. Stories are emotional by nature. They give us perspective and they inspire us to action. It was never surprise that the best 30-second commercials created powerful emotional connections like nothing else. They become the most compelling selling tool ever invented because they told stories. Manusia secara alamiah menyenangi cerita. Karena cerita bisa memberikan inspirasi dan membuat manusia terhubung satu sama lain. Tak heran jika TVC 30 detik yang diputar di layar TV menjadi powerful untuk menyajikan keterkaitan yang sangat emosional antar manusia karena TVC 30 detik menyajikan cerita (story)
The Screen is Connected
We’re a long way from the totem tv set in isolated splendor in the living room. Now connections count: screen connected to mobile phone, computer, stereo system, whether by snaking cables, wireless or the agile hands and minds of people. Dengan teknologi, screen (handphone, komputer dsb )sekarang saling terhubung satu sama lain melalui internet, wifi, bluetooth.
Diskusi Dengan begitu banyaknya kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh screen yang tadi telah dibahas, diskusikan dengan teman Anda di kelas sejauh mana screen bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan komunikasi / iklan? Sebutkan berbagai kemungkinan penggunaan screen untuk beriklan!
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