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Penggunaan Kekerasan/Perang sbg Instrumen Politik Luar Negeri dalam Hubungan Internasional ( Materi 5 )

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1 Penggunaan Kekerasan/Perang sbg Instrumen Politik Luar Negeri dalam Hubungan Internasional
( Materi 5 )

2 Sejak 1945, tidak ada hari tanpa perang
 equate world politics with violence On War (Karl von Clausewitz) “war is an extension of diplomacy by other means” (an extreme form) (realist) Conflict & dispute sering terjadi ketika aktor berinteraksi, tetapi menjadi berbahaya ketika menggunakan arms utk menyelesaikan persoalan

3 Mengapa terjadi perang?
Keputusan utk perang mrpk rational choice utk capai national interest 1)International system level of analysis Interstate wars start coz there is nothing to stop them (in an anarchic world) Alliances & counter alliances arm race

4 2)Individual & group level of analysis
A psychologist Sigmund Freud: ”aggression stems from humans’ genetic programming & psychological makeup” Teori Darwin tentang evolusi & seleksi alam: “life entails a struggle of the fittest for survival” Social scientists: Keputusan untuk berperang bisa dijelaskan dgn melihat many political pressures that influence the gov’t leaders Persepsi & Mispersepsi dari pemimpin (individual maupun kelompok) mengenai intentions & capabilities pihak lain/lawan

5 3) State & societal level of analysis
Wilson dictators & their ruling elites are more prone to choose war than those democratically elected to offices & held responsible to the people Lenin capitalist states & societies tend to become imperialist as they compete each other for markets throughout the world.

6 Perang sbg strategi nasional Clausewitz (On War)
How states use of force to achieve their purpose perang sbg sarana,bukan tujuan diplomacy by other means Theory of war Strategy & plans for fighting a war Leadership in combat operation Tactic or methods in combat operation Yg terjadi zero-sum game

7 Clausewitz’s principles of war
Mass (semakin besar jml pasukan & senjata semakin baik) Surprise (menang dg cepat & rahasia) Concentration of forces (max.kan kemampuan kolektif) Economy of force

8 Membatasi perang: prinsip moral & hukum
Pacifism menolak semua bentuk perang Bellicism melihat perang tdk dpt dihindari mengabaikan kerugian nyawa manusia dll

9 Just war theory Just war theory right conduct of war—how states & their agents ought to act Just war should be fought justly Terdiri dari 1) Jus ad bellum Just cause (ex: diserang pihak lain) Keputusan dibuat o/ legitimate authority Ada kemungkinan menang Perang sbg pilihan terakhir 2) Jus in bello

10 jus ad bellum 1928: Kellog Briand Pact LBB : Collective security
PBB  conditions under which force may legally be used: Unilaterally in self defense Multilaterally when authorized by the UNSC Multilaterally by regional collective defense action

11 Jenis2 Sengketa Bersenjata dan Implikasinya dalam HI & Pemberlakuan HHI
(Materi 5b)

12 HHI berlaku dalam situasi apa?
IHL Applies During "Armed Conflict" International armed conflict Non-international armed conflict "Internationalised" non-international armed conflict

13 International Armed Conflict =
STATE A STATE B "all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them" (Common Art. 2, GC I – IV)

14 International Armed Conflict =
STATE A STATE B STATE B "all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance" (Common Art. 2, GC I – IV)

15 International Armed Conflict =
colonial domination alien occupation racist regimes STATE A "armed conflicts in which peoples are fighting against colonial domination and alien occupation and against racist régimes in the exercise of their right of self-determination" (Art. 1(4), AP I)

16 Non-International Armed Conflict =
Armed Group 1 Armed Group 2 Government A "In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties" (Common Art. 3, GC I – IV)

17 Non-International Armed Conflict =
STATE A governmental zone rebel zone "all armed conflicts…which take place in the territory of a High Contracting Party between its armed forces and dissident armed forces or other organized armed groups which, under responsible command, exercise such control over a part of its territory as to enable them to carry out sustained and concerted military operations and to implement this rotocol" (Art. 1(1), AP II)

18 "Internationalised" Non-International Armed Conflict =
STATE A Rebels of State A INTERNAL SUPPORT SUPPORT INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNATIONAL STATE C STATE B INTERNATIONAL internal conflict charaterized by the intervention of the armed forces of at least one foreign power

19 "Internationalised" Non-International Armed Conflict =
What level must the intervention attain to"internationalise" the conflict? R R R T T T

20 √ √ ? Internasionalisasi KBNI karena intervensi negara ketiga ?
memberi dukungan biaya, peralatan militer, alat pelatihan X ICTY: apabila ada "semua kendali” : memainkan peranan pada organisasi, koordinasi atau perencanaan operasi militer – (Tadic, 1999) ICJ: apabila ada “kendali effective" : memberi instruksi atau arahan khusus – (Nicaragua v.AS:1986, Bosnia & H v.Serbia & M : 2007).

21 It is indisputable that an armed conflict is international if it takes place between two or more States. In addition, in case of an internal armed conflict breaking out on the territory of a State, it may become international if (i) another State intervenes in that conflict through its troops, or alternatively if (ii) some of the participants in the internal armed conflict act on behalf of that other State

22 IHL Threshold of Application
IHL does not apply to situations of violence that do not rise to the level of "armed conflict" internal disturbances other situations of internal violence

23 Internal Disturbances
STATE A violent clashes between individuals and the State or informal armed groups and the state no control of territory Govt A

24 Other Situations of Internal Violence
STATE A minor or no violent clashes massive arrests Govt A

25 KBI:antara Angkatan Bersenjata dari 2 negara atau lebih; & atau pendudukan, serta perang pembebasan nasional. KBNI:antara Tentara Nasional dengan Angkatan perang pemberontak atau kelompok bersenjata ter- Organisir (kbt) lainnya yang : berada dibawah komando yang bertanggung jawab, melaksanakan kendali terha- dap sebagian wilayah, mampu melaksanakan operasi militer secara bersama & terus menerus mampu menlaksanakan ketentuan HHI. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx Kewajiban para pihak untuk memberlakukan HHI atau Protokol Tambahan II tidak selalu bergantung pada pernyataan negara pihak yang berkonflik. Sebagai contoh dalam beberapa putusan pengadilan internasional, a.l. dalam Tadic Case, Hakim menyatakan bahwa para pihak terikat dan harus tunduk pada ketentuan HHI, walaupun tidak ada pernyataan dari negara ybs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Situasi gangguan keamanan & ketegangan internal, spt kerusuhan, tindakan kekerasan yang terisolasi & sporadis serta tindakan kekerasan lain yang bersifat serupa, yang tidak merupakan konflik bersenjata. xx

26 Law Applicable in International Armed Conflicts
Geneva Conventions I – IV Additional Protocol I Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict weapons conventions general customary law some 530 articles concept of "protected person" civilians vs. combatants

27 Law Applicable in Non-International Armed Conflicts
Common Article 3 Additional Protocol II Article 19, Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict weapons conventions customary law applicable during NIACs some 30 articles no "protected person" status

28   anggota AB / TN sejak 1864 ( kombatan ) tawanan perang
HHI untuk KBI & KBNI Beberapa perbedaan antara anggota AB / TN sejak 1864 ( kombatan ) 4 K J & P T I tawanan perang ________________ sejak 1949 anggota pihak yang bertempur tahanan Pasal 3 KJ & PT II hak negara untuk mengadili atau beri amnesti thdp pemberontak xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANALOGI Perlindungan & perlakuan yg manusiawi ( UU no 39 tahun 1999 tentang HAM )

29 Breaches of Common Article 3 and AP II
Violations of common Article 3 and many of the provisions of Protocol II committed by individual members of a party to an internal conflict are thus criminal offences under international law. Such crimes may be – and indeed are – already being tried by the international tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. B. The 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court lists the violations of the law applicable in a non-international armed conflict.  Rome Statute, Art. 8 (2)

30 Law Applicable in Other Situations
pertinent provisions of human rights law domestic legislation

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