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Definisi A system is defined as a set of objects together with relationships between the objects and between their attributes related to each other and to their environment so as to form a whole. [Schoderbek et al. 1990, p. 13] Schoderbek, Peter P., Scoderbek, Charles G. and Kefalas, Asterios, G., Management Systems: Conceptual Considerations, 4 ed., Irwin Inc. Company, Custom Publishing, USA,1990. A system (as defined by Ackoff) "is a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts without loss of its essential properties or functions."
Definisi (2) A system is understood to be a whole composed of elements that are related to each other. The cohesion will emerge from the fact that the elements are linked together by their relations. Briefly defined, one might say that a system is a collection of elements in their entirety and the relations between them.
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8 lingkungan Komunitas Global Pemerintah Pelanggan Perusahaan Komunitas Keuangan Pesaing Pemegang saham / pemilik Pemasok Serikat Pekerja
Tahapan dan Langkah Pendekatan Sistem
Persiapan Definisi Solusi
Tahap Persiapan Melihat perusahaan sebagai suatu sistem
Mengenal sistem lingkungan Mengidentifikasi subsistem-subsistem perusahaan
Tahap Definisi Melanjutkan dari tingkat sistem ke tingkat subsistem
Menganalisa bagian-bagian sistem dalam suatu urut-urutan tertentu
Tahap Solusi Mengidentifikasi solusi-solusi alternatif
Mengevaluasi solusi-solusi alternatif Memilih solusi yang terbaik Mengimplementasikan solusi Menindaklanjuti untuk memastikan bahwa solusi tersebut efektif
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