Kantor sebagai Pusat Informasi dan Komunikasi

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1 Kantor sebagai Pusat Informasi dan Komunikasi
Materi – 01 Kantor sebagai Pusat Informasi dan Komunikasi

2 Kantor sebagai Pusat Informasi dan Komunikasi
Materi – 01 Kantor sebagai Pusat Informasi dan Komunikasi Pengertian Kantor Urgensi Kantor Aktivitas Kantor

Tempat melaksanakan kegiatan administratif Penyedia layanan informasi dan komunikasi

4 Pengertian Kantor Tempat melaksanakan kegiatan administratif
Office as a collection of departments carrying out clerical work. [Robert. C.]

5 Pengertian Kantor Tempat melaksanakan kegiatan administratif
Office is a place where clerical operations are carried on. It is not a more place but a place with various activities. [Denyer]

6 Pengertian Kantor Tempat melaksanakan kegiatan administratif
The office describes any place set aside for work of a clerical nature by whatever name it may be called. [L. Hall]

7 Pengertian Kantor Tempat melaksanakan kegiatan administratif
An office is a place in which the affairs of a business or an organization are carried out. [Oliverio, ME., Pasewark, WR., White, BR.]

8 Pengertian Kantor Penyedia informasi dan komunikasi
Office as a term which is used to provide and maintain an effective information service through an established communication network. [P.W. Betts]

9 Pengertian Kantor Penyedia informasi dan komunikasi
The purpose of an office has been defined as the providing of a service of communication and record. [Mills and Standingford]

10 Urgensi Kantor Office is the centre of an organization. [Balachandran, V., Chandrasekaran, V., 2009:1] KANTOR Unit Bisnis A Unit Bisnis C Unit Bisnis B Unit Bisnis … KANTOR An office is to a business what the mainspring is to a watch [Bhatia, R.C., 2007:2] An office is the nerve centre of the whole undertaking [Rao, M.E.T., 2000:1]

Menerima, Merekam, Mengolah, serta Mendistribusikan data dan Informasi AKTIVITAS UTAMA Pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsi manajemen Sistem dan prosedur kantor Formulir kantor Personel kantor Ketersediaan alat tulis kantor Ketersediaan peralatan, furnitur dan mesin kantor Keamanan asset Hubungan masyarakat AKTIVITAS PENDUKUNG

12 Materi – 01 Terima kasih......

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