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Making a sentence with an adjective
Definition of Adjective
Adjective adalah kata sifat yang menjelaskan sesorang atau suatu benda. Formula: Subject + To be + Adj (To be: is, am, are) Subject : She /He /It + is Subject : They/ we/ You + are Subject : I + am Example: 1. Sahanaya is cute. : Sahanaya sangat imut. 2. My cat is beautiful. : Kucing saya cantik. 3. I am glad to meet you. : Saya senang bertemu dgn Anda. 4. They are really tired now. : Mereka sangat lelah sekarang.
List of adjectives No. Adjective Meaning 1. Happy Bahagia Beautiful
Cantik, indah 2. Sad Sedih Ugly Buruk 3. Thirsty Haus Handsome Ganteng 4. Full Kenyang Near Dekat 5. Hungry Lapar Far Jauh 6. Tired Lelah Hot Panas 7. Excited Senang Cool Dingin 8. Clever Pintar Dry Kering 9. Stupid Bodoh Wet Basah 10. Diligent Rajin Clean Bersih 11. Lazy Malas Dirty Kotor
List of adjectives No. Adjective Meaning 1. Tall True Benar 2. Short
Tinggi (manusia) True Benar 2. Short Pendek False Salah 3. High Tinggi (benda) Original Asli 4. Low Rendah Fake Palsu 5. Dangerous Berbahaya Tight Ketat 6. Safe Aman Loose Longgar 7. Strong Kuat Young Muda 8. Weak Lemah Old Tua 9. Thin Tipis Busy Sibuk 10. Thick Tebal Free Senggang 11. Fast Cepat Slow Lambat
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