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Unified Modeling Language User Guide

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1 Unified Modeling Language User Guide
Section 2—Basic Structural Modeling Chapter 7—Diagrams

2 Overview Diagrams, views and models.
Modeling different views of a system. Modeling different levels of abstraction. Modeling complex views. Organizing diagrams and other artifacts. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

3 Diagrams Modeling: creating a simplification of reality so that you can better understand the system. Using the UML, you build your models from basic building blocks (classes, interfaces, collaborations, components, nodes, generalizations, & associations). Diagrams are the means by which you view these building blocks. A diagram is a graphical presentation of a set of elements, most often rendered as a connected graphs of vertices (things) and arcs (relationships). Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

4 Diagrams (cont’d) Two basic usages of UML diagrams:
To specify models from which you’ll construct an executable system (forward engineering) To reconstruct models from parts of an executable system (reverse engineering). Dua usages dasarik diagram-diagram UML: Untuk menetapkan model-model dari yang mana kamu’ll membangun sebuah kedapat dieksekusian sistem (maju orang) Untuk membangun model-model dari bagian-bagian sebuah kedapat dieksekusian sistem (penginsinyuran balik). Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

5 Terms and Concepts System—collection of subsystems organized to accomplish a purpose and described by a set of models, possibly from different view points. Subsystem—grouping of elements, of which some constitute a specification of the behavior offered by the other contained elements. Sistem—kumpulan subsystems n untuk menyelesaikan sebuah tujuan dan terjelas oleh seset model-model, agak mungkin dari berbeda menampilkan poin-poin. Subsystem—berkumpul dari elemen-elemen, tentang yang mana konstitusi beberapa sebuah penetapan tingkah laku menawar demi lain berisi elemen-elemen. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

6 Terms and Concepts (cont’d)
Model—semantically closed abstraction of a system, meaning that it represents a complete and self-consistent simplification of reality. View—projection into the organization and structure of a system’s model, focused on one aspect of that system. Model—semantically menutup abstraction sesistem, bermaksud bahwa itu represents sebuah kelengkapan dan konsisten-sendiri simplification dari kenyataan. Tampil—proyeksi kedalam organisasi dan struktur sesistem ’s model, yang terpusat di satu aspect sistem itu. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

7 Terms and Concepts (cont’d)
Diagram—graphical representation of a set of elements, most often rendered as a connected graph of vertices (things) and arcs (relationships). Diagram—bersifat grafik representation seset elemen-elemen, paling sering menjadikan sebagai sebuah koneksi graph vertices (sesuatu) dan terbusur-busur (relationships). Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

8 Common Diagrams Structural Diagrams Represent the static aspects of a system. Class Object Component Deployment Behavioral Diagrams Represents the dynamic aspects of a system. Use case Sequence Collaboration Statechart Activity Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

9 Class Diagram Most common diagram.
Shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their relationships. Represents the static design view of a system. With active classes, represents the static process view of a system. Paling diagram yang umum. Pertunjukkan-pertunjukkan seset kelas-kelas, antarmuka-antarmuka, dan collaborations dan relationships mereka. Represents si nyataik desain menampilkan sesistem. Dengan kelas-kelas yang aktif, represents si nyataik proses menampilkan sesistem. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

10 Class Diagram (an example)
Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

11 Object Diagram Shows a set of objects and their relationships.
Illustrates static snapshots of instances of things found in class diagrams. Represents the static design view. Represents a real or prototypical case. Pertunjukkan-pertunjukkan seset objek-objek dan relationships mereka. Ilustrasi-ilustrasi snapshots nyataik instances dari sesuatu menemukan dalam kelas diagram-diagram. Represents si nyataik desain menampilkan. Represents sebuah kenyataan atau hal prototypical. See UML text pg. 196 (figure 14-1) for an example. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

12 Object Diagram (an example)
Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

13 Component Diagram Shows a set of components and their relationships.
Represents the static implementation view of a system. Components map to one or more classes, interfaces, or collaborations. Pertunjukkan-pertunjukkan seset komponen-komponen dan relationships mereka. Represents si nyataik terapan menampilkan sesistem. Komponen-komponen peta untuk satu atau lebih kelas, antarmuka-antarmuka, atau collaborations See UML text pg. 347 (figure 25-3) for an example. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

14 Component Diagram (an example)
classes fraudagent.dll component FraudAgent FraudPolicy PatternSearch Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

15 Deployment /persiapan Diagram
Shows a set of nodes and their relationships. Represents the static deployment view of an architecture. Nodes typically enclose/ melingkungi one or more components. Pertunjukkan-pertunjukkan seset simpul-simpul dan relationships mereka. Represents si nyataik deployment menampilkan sebuah . Simpul-simpul penutupan dengan secara ketik satu atau lebih komponen. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

16 Deployment Diagram (an example)
Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

17 Common Diagrams Structural Diagrams Represent the static aspects of a system. Class Object Component Deployment Behavioral Diagrams Represents the dynamic aspects of a system. Use case Sequence Collaboration Statechart Activity Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

18 Use Case Diagram Show a set of use cases, actors, and their relationships. Represents the static use case view of a system. Used to organize and model the behaviors of a system. menunjukkan sebuah set pengguna hal-hal, penindak-penindak, dan relationships mereka. Represents si nyataik menggunakan hal menampilkan sesistem. memakai untuk n dan model tingkah-tingkah laku itu sesistem. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

19 Use Case Diagram (an example)
Perform card transaction Customer Credit Card Validation System Process customer bill Reconcile/mendamaikan transactions Manage customer account Corporate Retail Institution Sponsoring Financial Individual Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

20 Interaction Diagram Shows objects and messages sent/received by those objects. Represents the dynamic view of a system. Interaction types (these are isomorphic) Sequence diagram—interaction diagram that emphasizes/menekankan the time ordering of messages. Collaboration diagram—interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural organization. Pertunjukkan-pertunjukkan objek-objek dan pesan-pesan mengirim/terterima oleh objek-objek itu. Represents dynamic menampilkan sesistem. Interaksi tipe-tipe (ini apakah isomorphic) Urutan diagram—interaksi diagram yang menegaskan waktu memesan dari pesan-pesan. diagram diagram Collaboration—interaksi diagram yang menegaskan organisasi bersifat struktur. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

21 Sequence Diagram (an example)
s1 : StockQuoteSubscriber p : StockQuotePublisher attach(s1) s2 : StockQuoteSubscriber attach(s2) notify() update() getState() Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

22 Collaboration Diagram (an example)
s1 : StockQuoteSubscriber p : StockQuotePublisher s2 : StockQuoteSubscriber 1 : attach(s1) 6 : getState() 2 : attach(s2) 7 : getState() 3 : notify() 4 : update() 5 : update() Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

23 Statechart/keahlian Diagram
Shows a state machine, consisting of states, transitions, events, and activities. Represents the dynamic view of a system. Models the behavior of an interface, class or collaboration. Emphasize the event-ordered behavior. Useful for reactive systems. Pertunjukkan-pertunjukkan sebuah tinggal mesin, tetap dari pernyataan-pernyataan, -, peristiwa-peristiwa, dan aktivitas. Represents dynamic menampilkan sesistem. Model-model tingkah laku itu sebuah antarmuka, kelas atau collaboration. menegaskan peristiwa-memesan tingkah laku. Berguna untuk kemengaktifkan kembalian sistem-sistem. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

24 Statechart Diagram (an example)
Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

25 Activity Diagram Shows a set of activities, the flow/aliran from activity to activity, and objects that act or are acted on. Represents the dynamic view of a system. Models the function of a system. Emphasize the flow of control among objects. Pertunjukkan-pertunjukkan sebuah set aktivitas, aliran dari bertindak untuk bertindak, dan objek-objek yang menindak atau ditindak di. Represents dynamic menampilkan sesistem. Model-model fungsi itu sesistem. menegaskan aliran kontrol diantara objek-objek. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

26 Activity Diagram (an example)
Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

27 Modeling Different Views
Identify best views for architecture; consider/ pertimbang recommended architectural views. Expose technical risks. Identify necessary artifacts to capture the essential/pokok details of each view. Place key diagrams under formal control. Allow for “disposable” diagrams. ciri tampilan-tampilan yang terbaik untuk ; pertimbang menganjurkan bersifat arsitektur tampilan-tampilan. membuka resiko-resiko bersifat teknik. ciri artifak-artifak yang perlu untuk menangkap detail-detail pokok tampilan masing-masing. Tempat diagram-diagram yang kunci dibawah formulir mengkontrol. Ijin untuk “dapat diatur” diagram-diagram. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

28 Architecture Views Design View Implementation View Use Case View
system assembly configuration mgmt. vocabulary functionality Design View Implementation View Use Case View behavior Deployment View Process View system topology distribution delivery installation performance scalability throughput Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

29 Modeling Levels of Abstraction
Consider the needs of the readers; identify the appropriate level of abstraction. Form a separate model for each level of abstraction. Identify trace mechanisms from level of abstraction to the next. mempertimbangkan kebutuhan dari pembaca-pembaca; ciri tingkat appropriate abstraction. membentuk sebuah model terpisah untuk masing-masing tingkat abstraction. ciri mechanisms yang terjejak dari tingkat abstraction untuk selanjutnya. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

30 Modeling Levels of Abstraction
WARNING Conceptualization is at a higher abstraction; concepts should be kept in the context of the problem statement. Conceptualization requires different details NOT necessarily fewer details. Provide what is useful. Hide what is not mengingatkan Conceptualization adalah pada sebuah pelebih tinggi abstraction; konsep-konsep seharusnya dijaga didalam konteks dari pernyataan masalah. berbeda kebutuhan-kebutuhan Conceptualization detail-detail TIDAK dengan perlu sedikit detail. Sedialah apa yang berguna. Sembunyilah apa yang tidak Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

31 Modeling Complex Views
Hide unnecessary details. Group elements into packages or higher level abstractions. Use notes and color to emphasize key points. Generate large hardcopies for visual observations. bersembunyi detail-detail yang tidak perlu. menggelompokkan elemen-elemen kedalam packages atau tingkat terlebih tinggi abstractions. menggunakan catatan-catatan dan warna untuk menegaskan poin-poin yang kunci. membangkitkan hardcopies besar untuk visi pengamatan-pengamatan. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

32 Hints & Tips UML is to visualize, specify, construct, and document. Diagrams are a means to an end! Allow for throw-away diagrams. These serve their best purpose only in the process of modeling. Avoid extraneous or redundant diagrams. Show enough detail to be useful. No more. No less. UML adalah untuk menerawang, tetap, bangun, dan dokumen. Diagram-diagram adalah sebuah maksud-maksud bagi sebuah akhir! Ijin untuk lempar-jauh diagram. pelayanan Ini tujuan mereka hanya pada proses . Hindar extraneous atau diagram-diagram redundant. tampilkan detail cukup menjadi berguna. Tidak lebih. tidak ada pengurangan. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

33 Hints & Tips (cont’d) Balance structural and behavioral diagrams.
Appropriately name each diagram; the name should indicate the purpose. Keep diagrams organized. Use notes and color to draw attention to important features. mengimbangkan bersifat struktur dan bersifat tingkah laku diagram-diagram. nama Appropriately masing-masing diagram; nama seharusnya menunjukkan tujuan. menjaga diagram-diagram terorgan. menggunakan catatan-catatan dan warna untuk menarik perhatian untuk penting fitur-fitur. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

34 Summary Terminology Modeling Diagrams Views Models
Structural Behavioral Views Models Modeling Different views of a system. Different levels of abstraction. Complex views. Sung Kim CS6359 Chapter 7

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