MEMORI Atkinson-Shiffrin Model Level of processing approach

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1 MEMORI Atkinson-Shiffrin Model Level of processing approach
Tulving’s model Parallel Distributed Processing approach

2 Atkinson-Shiffrin Model (1968)
External Input Sensory register (sensory memory) Lost from SR MODEL MEMORI Short-term store (Short-term memory) Lost from STM Long-term store (Long-term memory) Decay, interference, And loss of strength In LTM

3 Control processess MODEL MEMORI
= strategi yang digunakan individu secara fleksibel & spontan Terdiri dari rehearsal, the silent repetition of information that encourages it to recycle through STM Strategi apa yang akan digunakan untuk menyimpan informasi? Mental picture / sound? MODEL MEMORI

4 Pendekatan Level-processing Craik & Lockhard (1972)
informasi yang bermakna dan diolah semakin dalam, akan lebih lama bertahan efektif salah satu pengolahan adalah rehearsal. Ada dua macam rehearsal: Maintenance rehearsal Elaborative rehearsal efektif MODEL MEMORI

5 Tulving’s model (1972) MODEL MEMORI Tiga kategori utama:
Episodic memory Semantic memory Procedural memory first system developing during infancy, 2nd is semantic, 3rd is episodic Fokus pada short-term memory MODEL MEMORI

6 MODEL MEMORI Small Great 5. Forgetting Less important More important
4. Emotional content Conceptual Time-related 3. Organization Concepts, ideas, & facts Episodes & event 2. Units of info. Comprehension Sensory exp. 1. Source of info Semantic M. Episodic M. Characteristic More useful Less useful 8. Usefulness General knowledge Recal of particular episodes 7. How tested in laboratory Relatively short time Relatively long time 6. Time to remember MODEL MEMORI

7 Proses distribusi paralel James McClelland (1981)
Neural networks= proses kognitif akan berjalan seperti network, dimana aktivasi satu memori tertentu akan menyebabkan aktivasi memori lain. MODEL MEMORI

8 Karakteristik PDP MODEL MEMORI
Memory tetap dapat bekerja, meskipun input tidak lengkap Beberapa petunjuk lebih efektif dibanding yang lain MODEL MEMORI

9 Short- Term Working Memory
Forgetting Decay and interferences Capacity Memory Codes

10 STM LTM Permanent memory store STM Temporary Sensory Working Register
Environmental input Sensory Register Visual Auditory STM Temporary Working Memory Control processes: Rehearsal Coding Decisions Retrieval strategies LTM Permanent memory store

11 STM memilik keterbatasan baik dalam kapasitas maupun jangka penyimpanan.
Informasi akan hilang dalam detik jika tidak diulang/ rehearsed STM diperlukan ketika melakukan sebagian besar tugas kognitif. Hal ini menjadi petunjuk bahwa STM memiliki peran penting sebagai memori kerja yang memelihara dan memanipulasi informasi. Working memory: Penggunaan STM sebagai penyimpanan informasi sementara yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan tugas

12 Forgetting The label STM indicates that information in STM is lost rapidly unless it is preserved through rehearsal. Probability of a recall decline rapidly after 18 seconds  verbal inform. Must be rehearsed to keep it active in LTM (Peterson & Peterson)-

13 Decay and Interference
How did the information loss take place?  decay or interference? Interference: forgetting occurs because other material interferes with the information in memory Decay: information is spontaneously lost over time, even when there is no interference from other material. Waugh and Noeman found that information loss is due more to interference more than by decay.

14 Forgetting from STM: Exp.
DO: Look at these letters: BXKVP Chek with memory simulation in Encarta

15 DO: Read the number backward
EXP Do: Look at these numbers: 369 DO: Read the number backward

16 Forgetting from STM: EXP
DO: Tell us, what were the letters you saw before the numbers? Can You memorize them?

17 Interference: Retroactive Vs Proactive
Retroactive interference: Kelupaan muncul karena interferensi dari material yang diterima setelah belajar/ mengingat Proactive: Kelupaan terjadi karena material material yang diterima sebelum belajar/ mengingat Diatasi dengan membuat informasi berbeda dari material sebelumnya.

18 CAPACITY of STM It can hold only about 7 items/ Magical number 7
Checked through memory span. Memory span: The number of correct items that people can immediately recall from a sequence of items TRY : TMFJRLB ASDRTYUGP THJKYPLKJ LKJHGFM

19 Helping the STM Chunking: mengelompokkan item ke dalam potongan-potongan/ unit yang didimpan dalam STM EXP: Read FGHJKLMBOP then Read: FGHJK- LMBOP Which one will be easier to remember? Miller: Capacity of STM should be measured in terms of chunk, not items.

20 Control Processes Control Process 1:
Acoustic codes/ kode akustik: speech based Semantic code/ kode semantik: meaning based Control Process 2: Rehearsal Subvocalizing: Silently speaking to oneself help us remember esp complex and detailed inform) but hinder reading speed. Visual codes: more memorable when name is given.

21 Working Memory Badeley’s model, const of:
Phonological loop: memelihara dan memanipulasi informasi verbal/ wicara Visuospatial sketchpad: memelihara dan memanipulasi informasi visual A central executive: Memilih strategi dan mengintegrasikan informasi Current view: STM is a component of working memory

22 Group Assignment: Cari ayat Al Quran berkaitan dengan pengingatan
Buat Summary dari materi Memori pada bacaan yang dibagikan Buat pertanyaan kelompok berdasar bacaan tersebut? Apa yang ingin kelompok anda ketahui lebih lanjut? Minimal satu orang 1 pertanyaan Kumpulkan pada minggu depan

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