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Type of Cooperative Learning

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Presentasi berjudul: "Type of Cooperative Learning"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Type of Cooperative Learning
Strategy of Math Learning By: Group 3 Resti Amin ( ) Robiah Adawiyah ( ) Evia Fajariati ( ) Ilham A ( ) Anita S ( )

2 Insight Outside Circle
Tipe-tipe Cooperative Learning kelompok berpasangan kelompok > 2 orang Cooperative Script Jigsaw ketua kelompok Grup Investigasi ketua kelompok Two Stay-Two Stray Snowball Throwing konten materi Make a Match konten materi C I R C Think, Pair, Share Insight Outside Circle The Power of Two Bersama Bersama N T H S T A D T A I T G T P B L

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