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Presentasi berjudul: "SEQUENTIAL ART."— Transcript presentasi:


2 David Russell




6 STORYBOARD “Gambar yang terorganisir dan ditampilkan secara berurutan sebagai konsep awal dari sebuah pertunjukan”.

7 STORYBOARD Composition Shot sizes Framing

8 COMPOSITION “Mengatur hubungan antara elemen gambar, dan dimana peletakannya pada layar”. a. Horizontal lines b. Vertical lines c. Thirds d. Diagonal lines e. Perspective

9 Horizontal lines

10 Composition

11 Vertical lines

12 Thirds 1 2 3

13 Thirds

14 Diagonal lines

15 Composition and framing

16 Perspective lines

17 Perspective lines

18 SHOT SIZES “Ukuran ‘Shot’ ini berhubungan dengan penentuan seberapa banyak layar kita isi dengan subyek”.

19 Very Long Shot (VLS) Long Shot (LS)

20 Medium Long Shot (MLS) Mid Shot (MS)

21 Medium Close-Up (MCU) Close-Up (CU)

22 Extreme Close-Up (ECU)
Big Close-Up (BCU) Extreme Close-Up (ECU)

23 FRAMING Framing of the shot
“Framing ini menentukan dimana letak ujung gambar secara keseluruhan dalam layar”. a. Head Room b. Looking or Talking room c. Walking room d. Appropriate size e. Masking

24 a. Head room 1 2 3

25 b. Looking or talking room

26 c. Walking room

27 d. Appropriate size

28 e. Masking

29 Composition and framing

30 Composition and framing

31 Composition and framing

32 Composition and framing

33 Composition and framing

34 Composition and framing

35 Composition and framing

36 Shooting two-dimentional object

37 Shooting two-dimentional object

38 Shooting two-dimentional object

39 Shooting two-dimentional object

40 Reverse shots for dialogue


42 CAMERA Line of Action Movement a. Pan Motivation for a camera move
b. TILT c. ZOOM d. TILT with ZOOM Motivation for a camera move

43 Line of Action

44 Line of Action A B

45 Pan

46 Tilt

47 Zoom

48 Tilt with Zoom

49 Tilt with Zoom

50 Motivation for a camera move

51 Motivation for a camera move
1. “Benda apa itu dikejauhan?” 2. “Pria itu sedang membawa apa?” 3. “Mau kemana sih pria itu?” 4. “Apa yang ada diujung jalan itu?” 5. “Seberapa tinggi gedung ini?”

52 The Dolly

53 Tracks

54 Cranes


56 Cut to Frame 1 Frame 2 ‘JUMP CUT’

57 Cut to Frame 1 Frame 2

58 Cut to Cut to Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3

59 ‘Crossing the lines’

60 Crossing the lines

61 A B C

62 Crossing the lines

63 A B

64 Script

65 Script


67 Telling the story

68 Telling the story






74 STUDIO 29 Agustus 2008 - Minggu depan membawa buku novel - Ukuran shot
Membuat sebuah storyboard FILM. Minimal 12 frame. Frame ukuran 6x8 cm, ditinta. Gambar dipensil rapi dan bersih. Gunakan: Komposisi Ukuran shot Framing Efek Audio Video Gerakan subyek/obyek Arah gerak kamera yang tepat sesuai fungsi serta kejelasan dalam bercerita. - Minggu depan membawa buku novel -

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