Seminar nasional Technopreneurship

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1 Seminar nasional Technopreneurship
Dalam rangka DIES NATALIS Universitas Respati Indonesia Ke.25 Seminar nasional Technopreneurship KAMIS, 28 APRIL 2011, Pukul 08:00 s.d 12:00 GEDUNG CAWANG KENCANA Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo Kav. 22 – Jakarta Timur

TEMA SEMINAR : “meningkatkan dan memotivasi generasi muda untuk menumbuh kembangkan jiwa kewirausahaan dalam inkubator bisnis berbasis teknologi”.

Technopreneurship adalah sebuah inkubator bisnis berbasis teknologi, yang memiliki wawasan untuk menumbuh kembangkan jiwa kewirausahaan di kalangan generasi muda, khususnya mahasiswa sebagai peserta didik dan merupakan salah satu strategi terobosan baru untuk mensiasati masalah pengangguran intelektual yang semakin meningkat (+ 45 Juta Orang). Dengan menjadi seorang usahawan terdidik, generasi muda, khususnya mahasiswa akan berperan sebagai salah satu motor penggerak perekonomian melalui penciptaan lapangan-lapangan kerja baru. Semoga dengan munculnya generasi technopreneurship dapat memberikan solusi atas permasalahan jumlah pengangguran intelektual yang ada saat ini. Selain itu juga bisa menjadi arena untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM dalam penguasaan IPTEK, sehingga kita bisa mempersiapkan tenaga handal ditengah kompetisi global. This is our stated Vision for Education – “To enable educational institutions to realize their full potential.” And how we achieve that vision is by enabling a Connected Learning Community Go around the wheel, starting with students in the middle As you can see, the CLC is built around students – not just students but Lifelong Learners If you think about higher education, it is defined by a couple of things: 1) Relationships – with all the categories you see here – students, faculty, parents, alumni, legislators, K-12; and 2) by Information – the creation, sharing and distribution of knowledge, research, information, etc. The CLC is really about enabling all those relationships and that information to be shared. Continue around the wheel, touching on each area, and finishing with Higher Education This drives our thinking as to our technology vision, the partnerships we create, and the communities that we try to support and develop You experience these kinds of interactions every day, but these they are going to become even more important and the relationships becoming deeper. Learning is becoming a boundaryless experience, it is becoming more worldwide, and you are starting to see greater involvement on HEd from groups such as policymakers. There are 3 benefits of the CLC: Connections: For example, to support interactions with real world issues, subject matter experts, content and resources Removing Limitations: Removing limitations in learning with technology is Microsoft’s vision for a learning experience unimpeded by those limitations – for example, limitations of space and time, or physical limitations (accessibility) Creating Opportunities: The CLC empowers outcomes from connected learning that are inspirational to our customers - providing opportunities for the 21st century learning community – for example, workforce development programs If you’ve seen some of the new advertisements around “Realizing Potential”, it gives you a sense of how we view technology and the uses of that technology 3


Dalam rangka DIES NATALIS URINDO Ke.25 Seluruh Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi & Fakultas Ekonomi DIWAJIBKAN untuk mengikuti SEMINAR NASIONAL TECHNOPRENEURSHIP Fly high by URINDO UNIVERSITAS RESPATI INDONESIA Dies Natalis Ke.25 RESPATI Bersinergi Membangun Negeri Tata Sutabri S.Kom, MM

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