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Mechanical Finishing Process

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Presentasi berjudul: "Mechanical Finishing Process"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Mechanical Finishing Process
Textile Finishing Technology SMKN 1 KATAPANG KABUPATEN BANDUNG Kelas XII Semester 5 dan 6

2 Vocational Competence
Mechanical Finishing Process Describe improvement physics Implement and control the completion of the process sanforis Implementing and controlling the process calendar Implementing and controlling the process parameters rolling Teknologi dan Rekayasa

3 Introduction Textile Finishing Global Finishing Special Finishing
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 Definition Global Finishing
Finishing is the final series of operations that produced finished textile fabric from greige goods Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 Global Finishing Woven goods fibre yarn knitwear Pretreatment Dyeing
White goods Printing Special Finishing Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 Special Finishing Finishing processing are made according to final purpose of use of dyed materials. As such there are processing to improve handles Like stiff Bulky Crush resistance Softening finishing Anti static Water and oil repellent Permanent press Soil releasefinishing Etc. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Special finishing Wet processing Sizing Spesial Finishing Resin finish
Mechanical finish Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 IV. Mechanical Finish Teknologi dan Rekayasa 1 Anti shrink 2
Decatizing 3 Calandering 4 Sueding 5 Shearing 6 Folding, Rolling and Lapping Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 Mechanical Finish 1. Anti shrink/ Sanforising An Objective
This is made in order to impart dimension stability and high degree of wash-and-wear property Chemical process Anti shrink Mechanical process Teknologi dan Rekayasa

10 Anti shrink machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

11 Monfort Sanforising machine
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

12 Mechanical Finish 2. Decatizing Teknologi dan Rekayasa
A finishing process in which fabric, wound tightly on a perforated roller, either has hot water circulated through it (wet decatizing), or has steam blown through it (dry decatizing). The process is aimed chiefly at improving the hand and removing wrinkles. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

13 Decatizing machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

14 Mechanical Finish 3. Calandering
A mechanical finishing process for fabrics to produce special effects, such as high luster, glazing, moiré, and embossed effects. In this operation, the fabric is passed between heated rolls under pressure. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

15 Kuster calander Teknologi dan Rekayasa

16 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

17 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

18 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

19 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

20 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

21 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

22 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

23 cloth on the engine running calander
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

24 Mechanical Finish 4. Sueding
Sueding is mechanical process to resemble suede leather, usually by napping, shearing, and sanding techniques. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

25 Horizon sueding machine
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

26 Sueding machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

27 Mechanical Finish 5. Shearing
A dry finishing operation in which projecting fibers are mechanically cut or trimmed from the face of the fabric. Woolen and worsted fabrics are almost always sheared. Shearing is also widely employed on other fabrics, especially on napped and pile fabrics where the amount varies according to the desired height of the nap or pile. For flat-finished fabrics such as gabardine, a very close shearing is given Teknologi dan Rekayasa

28 Shearing machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

29 Shearing machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

30 Shearing machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

31 Totis shearing machine
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

32 6. Folding, Rolling and Lapping
Lapping is process to rolling of fabric on a wood frame wrapped paper shaped rectangle Folding is a fold of cloth in the form of width and with a size of 1 meter or 1 yard each in the fold (usually used for fabric mori). Teknologi dan Rekayasa

33 Lapping (cloth and machine)
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

34 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

35 Folding machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

36 Rolling (cloth) Teknologi dan Rekayasa

37 Rolling machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

38 Rolling machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

39 Rolling machine Teknologi dan Rekayasa

40 References Trotman E.R., Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibre, Fourth edition, Griffin, London, 1970 Moerdoko Wibowo,dkk., Teknologi Penyempurnaan Tekstil, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil, Bandung, 1973 Soenarto, Teknologi Pencelupan dan Pencapan Jilid 2., Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, Jakarta, 2008 Sabit Adanur,B.S.,M.s.,Ph.D., Handbook of Weaving, Sulzer Textile Limited, Switzerland, 2001 Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft, Pretreatment of Cotton Fabric, Germany, 1983 Technical Information, Sumikaron Colors ,Sumitomo Chemical Co.,Ltd., Sumitomo Chemical Co.,Ltd. www. www. www. Monforts 10. Wikipedia Teknologi dan Rekayasa

41 Thanks for your attention

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