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Presentasi berjudul: "METODOLOGI PENELITIAN ADMINISTRASI NEGARA"— Transcript presentasi:


KONSEP ADMINISTRASI DEFINISI ADMINISTRASI DIMENSI ILMU ADMINISTRASI a. perspektif isi (organisasi, manajemen, kepemimpinan, pengambilan keputusan, komunikasi b. perspektif subjek pelaku (administrasi privat dan administrasi publik c. perspektif pengelolaan sumber daya

3 ADMINISTRASI NEGARA Pengertian : dapat dilihat dari paradigma administrasi negara  Paradigma 1, tahun 1900 – 1926 (administrasi negara dan politik berbeda)  Paradigma 2, tahun 1927 – 1937 (prinsip-prinsip administrasi)  Paradigma 3, tahun 1950 – 1970 (administrasi bagian dari ilmu politik)  Paradigma 4, tahun 1956 – (administrasi negara berlindung dibawah ilmu manajemen)  Paradigma 5, setelah tahun 1970 (administrasi negara)  Paradigma 6, Administrasi Pembangunan

Berpikir Ilmiah  Merumuskan masalah  Mengajukan Hipotesis  Melakukan verifikasi data  Menarik kesimpulan B. Klarifikasi Riset Administrasi  Riset Dasar (Riset Deduktif, Riset Induktif)  Riset Aplikasi (Riset Pengembangan, Riset Tindakan, Riset Evaluasi)

5 Public administrators often ask questions ?
How many How Much How efficient How effective How adequate Why

6 Administrators may want to learn something about a group of people, how much a program will cost, or what it can accomplish for each dollar spent. Administrators need to decide how serious a problem is, whether a policy solved a problem, what distinguishes more effective program from less effective ones, and whether clients are satisfied with program performance. They are accountable to politicians, parents, citizens, program clients and the courts for public service

7 Administrators rely on data to make better decisions, to monitor, and to examine their effects.


9 Starting A Research Project : Defining The Research Question
A study should begin by stating the research question and the purpose of the study. A research question is a question with more than one possible answer. The research question requires empirical or observable information in order to be answered. Without observable information no research takes place.

10 Let’s Consider the research question :
“Do electronic communications improve the performance of office staff?” That question has more than one answer. The answer requires empirical information This simple question masks the amount of work that lies ahead. What is meant by electronic communication and performance? Which office staff?, All staff members, or just people holding certain positions?, Staff in all offices, or just particular types of office? What type and how much impact is expected?.

11 To help limit the study’s focus, the administrator indicates the purpose of a study.
A study to determine whether to install a communications systems will be different from a study evaluating an existing system.

12 The Purpose of Study Establishing a study’s purpose goes beyond stating exactly why it is being done. An investigator must know who wants the study done, how she plans to use its findings, when she plans to use them, what resources she has to invest in the study, and what has been done before. After an investigator answers these questions, she can list the research question and decide what evidence will provide adequate answers. Thus she avoids “shooting ants with an elephant gun”. She also avoids planning a study that exceeds the available resources or yields information after it is needed. A study’s purpose evolves; it becomes more focused and better understood as investigators and decision makers begin their work together

13 Example Research question: How may the rapid increase in medicare costs (Medicare:federally funded health care for the elderly) be reduced? Purpose : To recommended change(s) in Medicare coverage that will contain the costs of their Medicare program. Procedure : An initial model is skteched out with the major elements representing general strategies to reduce costs. Its purpose is to identify the basic types of strategies available.

14 Model’s element and relationships
Reduce the number of beneficiaries Reduced Rate of Increase Medicare Costs Reduce the number of services covered Pay less each service


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