Filsafat, Budaya dan Politik Trias Mahmudiono, S.KM, MPH (Nutrition)

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1 Filsafat, Budaya dan Politik Trias Mahmudiono, S.KM, MPH (Nutrition)
Today I will talk to you about food how food, nutrition and culture are interrelated “Feeding oneself and one’s offspring is the first concern of all living creatures” - Frances Moore Lappe & Anna Lappe 5/17/2018

2 Pandangan Masyarakat “We are what we eat.”
Semua makhluk bernyawa membutuhkan zat gizi untuk bertahan hidup Gizi – ilmu yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan tubuh untuk mengubah zat gizi dalam “MAKANAN” menjadi “TENAGA, OTOT & JARINGAN.” Calories Muscle & Tissue Why indeed is the acquisition of food so. This question is ably albeit simply answered by the age old question “We are what we eat.” 5/17/2018

PEARBUSH BUDS I just mentioned that nutrition was the study of nutrients found in food. What is food? Read slide ……………….. Even though Bread might be universal or to be biblical, “the staff of life,” each culture has its own food. Here I have examples of various foods e.g., Mexican food, ackee which is very Jamaican, pearbush buds which is very Turks and Caicos, even though I was recently told by someone from home it was being sold in the DC area as Yuppy food! 5/17/2018

4 Aborigin 5/17/2018

5 Anak Burung Gereja 5/17/2018

6 Jangkrik 5/17/2018

7 Pangan ditentukan dalam budaya, suatu bahan pangan di suatu Kebudayaan A tidak selalu merupakan bahan pangan di Kebudayaan B. 5/17/2018

8 PEMILIHAN MAKANAN Pilihlah makanan yang memberikan zat gizi dan energi yang cukup! Saat kita makan, hampir selalu pikiran kita mengkonsumsi makanan, bukan zat gizi! Berikut adalah hal yang mempengaruhi pemilihan makanan: Advertising Availability Convenience Economy Comfort Ethnicity Habit pizza Personal Preference Positive Associations Geographical location Social Pressure Values and beliefs Body weight Even though it is recommended that we select foods provide adequate amounts of nutrients and energy, as humans, when we decide to eat we think of eating food and not nutrients. The pictures that we conjure up in our minds are those of various foods. There are many factors that influence food choices. In most instance Nutritional value is not the most important. This explains, in part, why it is difficult to change a persons dietary patterns without understanding the person! Nutritional Value 5/17/2018

9 Cara Mengamati Kebiasaan Makan
Pengamatan berpartisipasi Penelitian survey 5/17/2018

10 Peran Sosial Peneliti Keterlibatan banyak Keterlibatan dan jarak Jarak
Terbuka ? Pengamat sebagai peserta Pengamat Terselubung Peserta penuh Peserta sebagai pengamat Mata-mata 5/17/2018

11 Paradigma Sehat vs. Paradigma Sakit

12 Indonesia Benarkah Negara Demokrasi? Liberalisme di Indonesia?

13 Assignment: Continue being exceptional students!
THE END Assignment: Continue being exceptional students! Thank You 5/17/2018

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