CONDITONAL SENTENCE Adalah kalimat pengandaian. Dibagi menjadi 3 bentuk yaitu : Future Possible Present Unreal Past Unreal.

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Presentasi berjudul: "CONDITONAL SENTENCE Adalah kalimat pengandaian. Dibagi menjadi 3 bentuk yaitu : Future Possible Present Unreal Past Unreal."— Transcript presentasi:

1 CONDITONAL SENTENCE Adalah kalimat pengandaian. Dibagi menjadi 3 bentuk yaitu : Future Possible Present Unreal Past Unreal

2 2. Present Unreal Peristiwa bertentangan dengan keadaan pada saat sekarang atau yang sebenarnya Rumus : If + Past Tense Past Future Tense S+Verb 2 + O S + Would + Verb 1 + O S + Were Contoh : If I had much money, I would buy new car Kenyataannya saya tidak punya banyak uang 2. If I were a bird, I would fly around the world Kenyataannya saya bukan seekor burung

3 3. Past Unreal Peristiwa bertentangan dengan keadaan pada waktu lampau
Rumus : IF + Past Perfect + Past Future Perfect S + had + Verb S + Would + Have + Verb 3 Contoh : If I had gone to the party last night, I would have met her Kenyataannya saya tidak pergi ke pesta semalam If it had not rained last week, I would have taught you Kenyataannya hujan minggu lalu

4 EXERCISES Put the verbs in brackets based on the pattern
If I meet her, I……………. (give) it to her The dog will bark at them if they ……. (go) near the house If I were a fish, I ………… (not live) in this pond If I had a million dollars, I ………. (not work) You would drown if you ………… (fall) into the pond


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