Periodic Table For Technological SMK And Agriculture

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1 Periodic Table For Technological SMK And Agriculture
Class X Semester 2 Compiler : SMK Country 7 Bandung

2 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Elementary Interest Interest Standard Identifies atomic structure and periodic sifatsifat at element periodic table. Elementary Interest description of development of Atomic theory Mengintepretasikan data in periodic table Hal.: 2 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Purpose Of Study Student can mention development of periodic table Student can differentiate periodic table based on increase of atomic weight and atomic number description student of Information can from line horizontal and vertical from periodic table Description student can relation between electron configuration with faction in periodic table Description student sifatsifat unsure can in one factions and period Hal.: 3 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Dobereiner Element Character is function of atomic mass. In the year 1829, Champion W Dobereiner arises way of simple mengelompokan element to. He makes group of Unsurunsur, what measures up to the same and each group consisted of three element, simply having second element is atomic mass that is relative equal to mass average of from third and first element. This model recognized as term Triad Dobereiner. Hal.: 4 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Newlands Compilation of element based on increase of atomic mass by the way of other also done by John Newland and famous of Hukum Oktaf. Newlands expressed if unsurunsur is compiled based on increase of its the atomic mass, hence sifatsifat element will return to repeatable periodicalness after 8 ( delapan=oktaf) element Hal.: 5 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Mendeleev Mendeleev pays attention to equality of sifatsifat chemistry, while Lothar Matheus is more focusly at sifatsifat its the physics. Mendeleev successfully tabulates element from left of dextrorse based on increase of its the atomic mass. Initially lapped over for 60 fruit of element and grows, because in available table of ruangruang zero which can be utilized to find element and or forecasts sifatsifat element. Hal.: 6 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

7 Periodic Table Form Of Length
In the year 1895, Julius Thomson introduces other periodic table model. Thomson express that sifatsifat element is periodic function from increase of its(the atomic number. Periodic table submitted by Thomson is recognized as Periodic table form of length. Long periodic table consisted of two lines horizontal and vertical line, like the one shown to picture 4.1 Hal.: 7 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Picture 4.1 Hal.: 8 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Horizontal Line Horizontal line called as period and there is 7 ( seven) period showing energy level or skin in an atom. Number in every box is atomic number is number of electrons or proton contained by the element. Hal.: 9 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Vertical Line Vertical line called as also with faction, in long periodic table there is Golongan A and Golongan B is faction having valence electron at orbital of d, unsurunsur in this faction is metal. Hal.: 10 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Picture 4.2 Hal.: 11 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

12 The Relation Of Periodic Table With Electron Configuration
Elektron Valensi Elektron valensi adalah elektron yang berada pada orbital terluar dan elektron ini yang berperan untuk melakukan interaksi. Jumlah elektron valensi meningkat naik dari kiri kekanan. Sedangkan dalam satu golongan setiap unsur memiliki elektron valensi yang sama karena penggolongan unsur didasari atas kesamaan jumlah elektron valensi. Hal.: 12 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Atom radius atom radius Atom radius is distance from atomic nucleus up to electron at outmost skin. In one factions from the top (of) downwards, Atom radius increasingly big. In one periods from left of dextrorse of Radius increasingly minimizes, like the one shown to Gambar 4.3. Hal.: 13 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation Improvement of atom radius in one factions is caused the increasing of energy level from atom or the increasing of skin. While in one periods radius atom increasingly minimizes. In one periods every atom has the same energy level, but its(the number of nucleus is increasingly big, because increase of its(the atomic number, so that fascination of core to electron gains strength and atom radius to become smaller. Picture 4.4 improvement of atom radius Hal.: 14 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Ionization Energy Ionization energy defined as low energy required an atom to be able to discharge its(the valence electron. Result of experiment for ionization energy done at unsurunsur faction IA indicates that ionization energy from metal Litium ( Li) up to Cesium ( Cs) declines. While ionization energy from Unsurunsur in one periods, shown to period three that is from element Boron ( B) up to Flor ( F) shows existence of improvement. Trend improvement and degradation of ionization energy in Periodic table shown to Gambar 4.5. Hal.: 15 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation For element in one factions, increasingly downwards number of skins more and more and electron increasingly far from core. This thing causes electron increasingly easy to be discharged, and inferential that ionization energy in one factions smaller from the top (of) downwards. Hal.: 16 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

17 Continuation element of Element in periodic table is compiled based on increase of atomic number so that number of ever greater electrons from left of dextrorse and increasingly difficult to discharge because requires energy that is big enough. So inferential that ionization energy in one periods from left of ever greater dextrorse

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Continuation Amenity of an electron discharged by an element is metal individuality from an element, so that character kelogaman hardly influenced by big the so small ionization energy. In one factions, character kelogaman increases from the top (of) downwards, which at variance with its(the ionization energy. Demikianpula character kelogaman in one periods smaller from left of kekanan, so that unsurunsur is residing in right disebelah especially having orbital of p haves the character of as non metal. Hal.: 18 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Electron Affinity Electron affinity defined as energy freed by an atom to receive electron. By freeing energy, indicates that the atom has high tendency to turn into negative ion. In one periods, from left of kekanan of electron affinity growing larger. While in one factions, from the top (of) downwards electron affinity on the wane. Hal.: 19 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Continuation ability an atom to draw electron so-called with elektronegatifity. ever greater of ever greater electron affinity also its(the elektronegatifity. In one periods from left of dextrorse of ever greater elektronegatifity, while in one factions from the top (of) downwards, its(the elektronegatifity is increasingly declines. Result of this this also supported by d ata like the one shown to Gambar 4.6. Hal.: 20 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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Picture 4.6 Hal.: 21 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

22 Ending "THANK" Compiler : Rochim Muliawan,S.Pd Dra Hj. Nunun Kusworini
Oktaviani Budiarti,SPd Vocational high school of country 7 Bandung Hal.: 22 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait

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