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Gambar Pertelaan.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Gambar Pertelaan."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Gambar Pertelaan

2 Fasilitas Bersama Restaurant to Apt. Corridor to Apt. Fitness Centre
Now, Let me ask you a question: what if the Developer retain the ownership of the Common Facilities? It would certainly affects the Pertelaan and at the end affects the responsibility of the Property Management. Still on Pertelaan... A ‘Strata Title’ development has to be built on a single Land Title, One Land Title means One Pertelaan, One Pertelaan means one Perhimpunan Penghuni. What if the ‘Strata Title’ development is something like this... to Apt. Corridor to Apt. Fitness Centre Laundry Business Centre

(Dalam Bentuk SK sesuai SK Gubernur No. 924/91 dan Pengesahan Akta Pemisahan) Rapat Koordinasi Konsep SK/Verbal Berita Acara (Hasil Rapat Koordinasi) Uraian & Gambar Pertelaan (ditdtgni oleh Kakanwil qq Kabid P&PT Pemohon Kanwil BPN Surat Permohonan Pengesahan Pertelaan 2. Sertipikat Tanah 3. IMB 4. SIPPT 5. Gambar dan Uraian Pertelaan 6. SIUP 7. Akta Pemisahan Pemeriksaan Gambar Dan Uraian Pertelaan Biro Hukum Dinas Perumahan 3. Dinas P2K Pemeriksaan Akta Pemisahan

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