Berbelanja Shopping © 2014 Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated. Provided acknowledgements are retained, Education Users may use,

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Presentasi berjudul: "Berbelanja Shopping © 2014 Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated. Provided acknowledgements are retained, Education Users may use,"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Berbelanja Shopping © 2014 Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated. Provided acknowledgements are retained, Education Users may use, reproduce and communicate this material free of charge for non-commercial educational purposes until 30 June 2018, unless otherwise indicated. Illustrations by Nives Porcellato & Andrew Craig

2 Berapa harga patung ini?
Listen and repeat Berapa harga patung ini? How much does this statue cost? Note: Harga : Price of goods/items such price of a book Ongkos : price of service such cost of taxi service

3 Yang kecil atau yang besar?
Listen and repeat Yang mana? Yang kecil atau yang besar? Which one? The small one or the big one? Kecil Besar

4 Listen and repeat Yang besar. The big one.

5 Indonesian money: Rupiah (Rp)
Listen and repeat Harganya lima puluh ribu rupiah. The cost is Rp 5.000,- . Note: Indonesian money: Rupiah (Rp) In writing numbers in Indonesian, you need to swap the coma with full stop or vice versa.

6 Listen and repeat Wah, mahal sekali! Gosh, its very expensive!

7 Listen and repeat Bisa kurang? Can I have it for less?

8 Ya, bisa. Mau tawar berapa? Yes, you can. How much do you want to pay?
Listen and repeat Ya, bisa. Mau tawar berapa? Yes, you can. How much do you want to pay?

9 Bagaimana kalau tiga puluh ribu rupiah. What about Rp 30.000,- ?
Listen and repeat Bagaimana kalau tiga puluh ribu rupiah. What about Rp ,- ? (Can I have it for Rp ,-?)

10 Tidak bisa. Saya akan bangkrut! No, you can’t. I will go bankrupt!
Listen and repeat Tidak bisa. Saya akan bangkrut! No, you can’t. I will go bankrupt!

11 Ya, boleh. Mau berapa? Yes, you can. How many do you want to buy?
Listen and repeat Ya, boleh. Mau berapa? Yes, you can. How many do you want to buy?

12 Listen and repeat Saya mau membeli 2 saja. I just want to buy 2.

13 Listen and repeat Ini uangnya. Here is the money.

14 Listen and repeat Ini patungnya. Here is the statue.

15 Listen and repeat Ini uang kembalinya. Here is the change.

16 Do you understand this conversation?
Durian...durian...durian enak !!!! Berapa harga satu durian. Pak ? Harganya rupiah. Wah, mahal sekali !!! Bisa kurang ? Ya, bisa. Mau tawar berapa ? Bagaimana kalau rupiah ? Ya, boleh. Mau berapa ? Satu saja. Ini uangnya. Ini duriannya. Terimakasih. Kembali. Durian is a formidable thorn-covered husk fruit with strong odour. Durian

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