Personality and Developing Your Personality

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1 Personality and Developing Your Personality

2 Personality Is Adalah suatu organisasi yang dinamis dalam diri individu, yang sistem psikofisiknya menentukan karakteristik, tingkah laku serta cara berpikir seseorang (Allport) Roys and Powell menyatakan bahwa, kepribadian merupakan sebuah sistem dlm diri yang terbangun dari cara individu: memandang dunianya (world views), memandang dirinya sendiri (images of self) dan menjalani hidupnya (life styles)

3 Factors that influence your personality:
Genetic Factor  skin color, hair, eyes, senses, adaptation Environment (school, home and neighbour, work environment) Interaction between genetics and environment Personality Development is: An effort to help yourself in knowing who you are; about your interest, your ability, your passion, and your plan in facing the future

4 Understanding Yourself
According to Abraham Maslow, in every individu there’s a needs, knowing and understanding which needs are dominant will determine who you are  its call Hierarchy of needs Self Actualization Self esteem love security Biological/fisiological Kenalilah pada level mana kebutuhan kita saat ini, untuk menentukan siapa kita sesungguhnya memudahkan penyesuaian diri memudahkan memahami orang lain dari berbagai latar belakang sosial Membentuk identitas diri Mempertebal keyakinan dan rasa percaya diri dalam mengembangkan diri

5 Developing yourself will have an obstacle if:
Advantages and disadvantages factors that influence Personality Development Everyone could develop their personality if have a strong willing to be a better person Developing yourself will have an obstacle if: You feel there’s no challenge You feel not capable You have no exact live purpose You feel satisfied enough with yourself You have no self esteem (feeling inadequate about your ability, hesitate in act, lazy, or no passion in life)

6 Determining your vision and Goal
In setting your vision and goal of developing your personality it require a systematic and structured steps. Here are some methods: SWOT Analisys Strength (pendukung/positif) Weakness (kelemahan/negatif) Opportunity (kesempatan/peluang) Threat (ancaman/hambatan) POA (Plan of Action) method SMART Subjective (tujuan jelas) Measureable (terukur) Acceptable (bisa diterima) Realistic (realistis, memungkinkan utk dicapai) Time management (pengelolaan waktu)

7 Your Worksheet Use your “ lembar kerja mengelola hidup dan merencanakan masa depan”  make your daily activity with that sheet Make your SWOT analysis in planning your personality development project Good luck!

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