By : Gabrialle Neve ( ) & Dimas Wahyu B ( )

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Presentasi berjudul: "By : Gabrialle Neve ( ) & Dimas Wahyu B ( )"— Transcript presentasi:

1 By : Gabrialle Neve (2016031044) & Dimas Wahyu B (2013031008)
Coping By : Gabrialle Neve ( ) & Dimas Wahyu B ( )

2 Coping adalah proses pengaturan situasi berat, pencurahan usaha untuk menyelesaikan problema hidup dan pencarian penguasaan atau pengurangan stress.

3 Tipe-tipe coping Problem focused and emotion focused coping
Meaning-Making Coping Active-Cognitive, Active-Behavioral, and Avoidance Coping Strategies INGAT!!! Satu strategi tidak bisa dipakai untuk semua masalah.

4 Strategi Coping Berpikir secara positif dan optimis!
Cognitive Restructuring and Positive Self-Talk Positive self-illusion Increase self-control (LoC tinggi, Self-Efficacy Tinggi, dan Penundaan Kepuasan) Thought stopping Empowerment Cari dukungan sosial Proactive coping Engage in enjoyable activities

5 Coping with emotions Emotional Approach Coping Emotional Regulation
Emotional Intelligence

6 Stress management Stress-management programs Meditation and Relaxation

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