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Presentasi berjudul: "Person In Charge LEMBAGA NAMA HOT LINE BPCB Samarinda ITB"— Transcript presentasi:


2 Person In Charge LEMBAGA NAMA HOT LINE BPCB Samarinda ITB

3 BPCB Samarinda Menerjemahkan Dokumen Resmi

4 BPCB Samarinda Melengkapi dokumen untuk persiapan Nominasi
FORMAT NOMINASI CATATAN SARAN 1. Identification of the Property a. State b. Provice or Region c. Name of Property d. Geographical coordinates to the nearest second Koordinat tengah dari wilayah Format : Longitude/UTM coordinates e. Maps f. Area of nominated property (ha) and proposed buffer zone (ha)

5 BPCB Samarinda, TR & ITB Melengkapi dokumen untuk persiapan Nominasi
FORMAT NOMINASI CATATAN SARAN 1. Identification of the Property e. Maps and plans, showing the boundaries of the nominated property and buffer zone (i) An original copy of a topographic map showing the property nominated, at the largest scale available which shows the entire property. The boundaries of the nominated property and buffer zone should be clearly marked. There should also be a record of the boundaries of zones of special legal protection from which the property benefits. The maps provided should be at the largest available and practical scale to allow the clear assessment of the impact of any proposed development within, adjacent to, or on the boundary line. (ii) A location map showing the location of the property within the State Party, (iii) Plans and specially prepared maps of the property showing individual features are helpful and may also be annexed. To facilitate copying and presentation to the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Committee A4 (or “letter”) size reduction and a digital image file of the principal maps should be included in the nomination text if possible.

6 BPCB Samarinda & TR Melengkapi dokumen untuk persiapan Nominasi
FORMAT NOMINASI CATATAN SARAN 1. Identification of the Property f. Area of nominated property (ha) and proposed buffer zone (ha)

7 BPCB Samarinda & ITB Melengkapi dokumen untuk persiapan Nominasi
2.Description of property ITB 3. Justification for inscription BPCB

8 ITB, LEMBAGA & PEMDA Melengkapi dokumen untuk persiapan Nominasi ITB
4. State of conservation and factors affecting the property PPPE BPCB PEMDA

9 ITB, LEMBAGA & PEMDA Melengkapi dokumen untuk persiapan Nominasi
4. State of conservation and factors affecting the property PPPE KALIMANTAN, BKSDA KALIMANTAN, DISTAMBEN PROV, DISHUT PROV & KAB BERAU&KUTIM, DINAS PERKEBUNAN PROV/KAB KUTIM&BERAU, BPN, BLH PROV/KAB KUTIM&BERAU, SETKAB KUTIM (bag. Sda), TNC, Badan Investasi Daerah dan Pelayanan Terpadu Prov/Kab Kutim&Berau ITB 4.a Present state of conservation 4.b Factors affecting the property (i) Development pressures (e.g. encroachment, adaptation, agriculture, mining) BAPPEDA PROV, BERAU & KUTIM (ii) Environmental pressures (e.g. pollution, climate change, desertification) PPPE KALIMANTAN, TNC, Dewan Perubahan Iklim Daerah (Prov), Badan Investasi Daerah dan Pelayanan Terpadu Prov/Kab Kutim&Berau BLH Prov, BLH KAB BERAU & KUTIM, BMKG Samarinda, Bappeda Prov (iii) Natural disasters and risk preparedness (earthquakes,floods, fires, etc.) BPBD Prov, Kab. Kutim dan Berau, Dinas Kehutanan (UPTD PKHL), Dinas Sosial Prov/ Kab. Kutim dan Berau, Setkab Kutim (Bag Sosial), SAR Prov/ kab (iv) Responsible visitation at proposed World Heritage sites (Tour, Culture event, Education event) Dinas Par & Dinas DikBud Prov/ Kab

10 BPCB, TR, Dinas BudPar & ITB
5. Protection and management of the property 5.a Ownership 5.b Protective designation BPCB, TR, Dinas DikBud & ITB 5.c Means of implementing protective measures 5.d Existing plans related to municipality and region in which the proposed property is located (e.g. regional or local plan, conservation plan, tourism development plan) BPCB, TR, Bappeda, Dinas BudPar & ITB, BKSDA, 5.e Property management plan or other management system BPCB, TR, Dinas BudPar & ITB 5.g Sources of expertise and training in conservation and management techniques BPCB, & ITB

11 BPCB, TR, Dinas BudPar & ITB
5. Protection and management of the property 5.h Visitor facilities and infrastructure BPCB, Dinas TR Kab Kutim&Berau, Dinas PU Kutim (bidang TR), Bappeda, Dinas DikBud & ITB, Badan Investasi Daerah dan Pelayanan Terpadu Prov/Kab Kutim&Berau 5.i Policies and programmes related to the presentation and promotion of the property 5.j Staffing levels and expertise (professional, technical, maintenance) BPCB, & Dinas DikBud

12 BPCB 6. Monitoring 7. Documentation
8. Contact information of responsible authorities 9. Signature on behalf of the State Party

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