Pertemuan I Greeting and instruction

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1 Pertemuan I Greeting and instruction
Seri belajar bahasa inggris Kelas 5 Semester II Pertemuan I Greeting and instruction Start Mei 2011 Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unmas Denpasar


3 KOMPETENSI DASAR Merespon ungkapan sapaan dan perintah secara akurat dan lancar dalam bahasa lisan sederhana PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

4 Mengidentifikasi ungkapaan sapaan dan perintah
INDIKATOR Mengidentifikasi ungkapaan sapaan dan perintah Menyapa dan memberikan perintah sederhana Merespon sapaan dan perintah seseorang PREVIOUS MENU NEXT


6 GREETING Everyday Greeting Everyday Greeting 2 Shaking hand
Naturally Speaking Good Morning Good Evening Good Afternoon Good Bye PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

7 GREETING + + Everyday Greeting Shaking hand Naturally Speaking
Good Night + Good Night PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

8 GREETING When young people meet informally they sometimes say
Shaking hand Everyday Greeting Naturally Speaking When meeting someone formally for the first time, we shake their hand and say "How do you do?" or "Pleased to meet you." "How do you do?" isn't really a question, it just means "Hello". When young people meet informally they sometimes say "Give me five!" and slap their hands together (high five). Generally we do not shake hands with people we know well. PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

9 GREETING Mr. Bean : Good morning, it’s good to see you.
Naturally Speaking Everyday Greeting Shaking hand Mr Bean meets Mrs Breuer, one of his students, and her husband in the street. Mr. Bean : Good morning, it’s good to see you. Mrs. Breuer : Good morning, it’s good to see you to. How are you? Mr. Bean : I’m fine, thanks. And you? Mrs. Breuer : very well, thanks. PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

10 Expressions and Responses
INSTRUCTIONS Expressions and Responses Naturally Speaking No Expressions Responses 1. Open the door, please! Ok, all right 2. Could you make me some tea? Off course 3. Would you like to make me some tea? I’d love to PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

11 Expressions and Responses
INSTRUCTIONS Naturally Speaking Expressions and Responses Dennis : hello raff! Raffael : hi dennis. How are you? Dennis : Fine thanks. Could you make me some tea? Raffael : Off course. Dennis : Thanks. Raffael : You are welcome PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

12 EVALUATION Greeting Instructions
Match the following picture with the suitable expressions! Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good morning Good afternoon Good Evening PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

13 EVALUATION Instructions Greetings
Give the suitable responses in the responses column! No Expressions Responses 1. Open the door, please! 2. Could you make me some tea? 3. Would you like to make me some tea? PREVIOUS MENU NEXT

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