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5 ƒíŁõŠøFÏ Nilai seorang Pemimpin
(Leader) bukanlah ditentukan oleh hasil yang dicapai secara pribadi.  oleh kemampuan untuk mencapai hasil dari pihak yang berada di bawah pengawasannya dan pengaruh yang dipancarkan kpd orang-orang atau pihak-pihak yang berhubungan dengannya.

6 PËñG€RTîÅñ… (1) Kepemimpinan (Leadership) a/ kemampuan seseorang u/ menguasai atau mempengaruhi org lain atau masyarakat yg saling berbeda-beda menju kpd pencapaian tujuan tertentu. (Ishak A & Hendri T, 2003) Kepemimpinan (Leadership) a/ kemampuan seseorang u/ mengkomunikasikan & mempengaruhi org lain melalui ide-ide & kehendaknya, shg terbentuk sebuah ikatan sekelompok org lain yg bersedia krn pengaruhnya. (B.S. Wibowo dkk, 2002)

7 PËñG€RTîÅñ… (2) Kepemimpinan merupakan seni atau proses mempengaruhi org lain, shg mrk bersedia dgn kemampuan sendiri & secara antusias bekerja u/ mencapai tujuan organisasi. (Weirich & Koontz, 1993) Kepemimpinan a/ kemampuan u/ mempengaruhi, memotivasi, & mengarahkan org lain guna mencapai tujuan. (Hellriegel & Slocum, 1992)

8 Beberapa Gaya Kepemimpinan…

9 Gaya intruksi atau gaya pengarahan
Gaya kepemimpinan tersebut berorientasi kepada tinggi tugas dan rendah hubungan dengan bawahan. Pemimpin dengan gaya seperti ini banyak memberikan perintah dan pengarahan kepada bawahan, komunikasi cenderung satu arah, dan secara ketat mengawasi pelaksanaan tugas bawahan.

10 Gaya konsultasi Gaya kepemimpinan tersebut berorientasi kepada tinggi tugas dan tinggi hubungan dengan bawahan. Pemimpin dengan gaya sepert ini banyak memberikan pengarahan dan memberikan dukungan kepada bawahan. Pemimpin menjelaskan keputusan dan kebijaksanaan yang diambil, dan mau menerima pendapat bawahan. Akan tetapi pengawasan dan pengarahan dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas bawahan masih di berikan.

11 Gaya partisipasi Gaya kepemimpinan tersebut berorientasi kepada tinggi tugas dan rendah hubungan dengan bawahan. Pemimpin dengan gaya ini menekankan pada banyak dukungan dan sedikit pengarahan. Pemimpim menyusun keputusan bersama-sama dengan bawahan, dan mendukung usaha-usaha bawahan dalam menyelesaikan tugas.

12 Gaya delegasi Gaya kepemimpinan tersebut berorientasi kepada rendah tugas dan rendah hubungan dengan bawahan. Pimpinan dengan gaya seperti ini mendelegasikan keputusan-keputusan dan tanggung jawab pelaksanaan tugas kepada bawahannya. Pemimpin tersebut memberikan kepercayaan kepada anak buahnya dan sedikit pengarahan.

13 Situational Leadership® Model (SLM)
Developed by Hersey and Blanchard Sebuah model, bukan teori Situasi yang berbeda membutuhkan gaya kepemimpinan yang berbeda. Tidak ada gaya kepemimpinan yang cocok untuk semua situasi dan pemimpin yang efektif menyesuaikan gaya kepemimpinannya dengan situasi. Gunakan model untuk menilai situasi kemudian pilih gaya kepemimpinan yang sesuai. Originally called Life-cycle Theory of Leadership, it evolved into the Situational Leadership ® model. Developed as an article for Training & Development, the name referred to parents changing their leadership styles as their children grew older or matured. (Source: Great Ideas Revisited – This article contains a condensced version of the original article as well as a update by Hersey and Blanchard in which they discuss the development of the Situational Leadership® model) Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard presented in Situational Leadership Model in 1969 in their book Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources. The model has been refined over time and the most recent version is available in the 1996 version (7th edition) of the book with an additional co-author, Dewey E. Johnson. Hersey and Blanchard define leadership style as “consistent pattern of behavior which you exhibit, as perceived by others, when you are attempting to influence the activities of others.” Source: So You Want To Know Your Leadership Style? p.26.) In their diagram of the SLM, Hersey and Blanchard show a bell-shaped curve that travels through all four quadrants of a 2 x 2 Style of a Leader matrix. -- See slide #8 SLM – Nuts & Bolts.

14 Situational Leadership® Model (SLM)
4 Leadership styles S1: Telling S2: Selling S3: Participating S4: Delegating 4 Levels of Maturity M1: Low, Immature M2: Low to Moderate M3: Moderate to High M4: High, Mature Telling (S1) – Leader gives specific instructions about what, how, when, and where to complete tasks, and closely supervises performance; one-way communication Selling (S2) – Leader explains decisions and provides clarifications; attempts two-way communication and support to get buy-in from followers Participating (S3) – Leader shares ideas and facilitates in making decisions; two-way communication Delegating (S4) – Leader give responsibilities for decisions and implementation to followers; followers take responsibility for their own behavior Source: Hersey and Blanchard, p & Situational Leadership®: Conversations with Paul Hersey Maturity Levels: not further detail needed, next slide provides updated information The maturity levels relate to the original Life-cycle theory of leadership. 4 Levels of Maturity of Followers High Low Moderate M1 M M3 M4 Telling Selling Participating Delegating

15 4 Levels of Maturity of Followers
SLM 4 Tipe Kepemimpinan S1: Instruksi S2: Konsultasi S3: Partisipasi S4: Delegasi 4 Tingkat Kedewasaan M1: Rendah, Tidak Dewasa M2: Rendah sampai sedang M3: Sedang dampai tinggi M4: Tinggi, Dewasa Telling (S1) – Leader gives specific instructions about what, how, when, and where to complete tasks, and closely supervises performance; one-way communication Selling (S2) – Leader explains decisions and provides clarifications; attempts two-way communication and support to get buy-in from followers Participating (S3) – Leader shares ideas and facilitates in making decisions; two-way communication Delegating (S4) – Leader give responsibilities for decisions and implementation to followers; followers take responsibility for their own behavior Source: Hersey and Blanchard, p & Situational Leadership®: Conversations with Paul Hersey Maturity Levels: not further detail needed, next slide provides updated information The maturity levels relate to the original Life-cycle theory of leadership. 4 Levels of Maturity of Followers tinggi Rendah Sedang M1 M M3 M4 Instruksi Konsultasi Partisipasi Delegasi

16 Development Levels of Followers
SLM 4 Development Levels D1: Kompetensi rendah, Komitmen rendah D2: Kompetensi rendah/sedang, Komitmen Tinggi D3: Kompetensi tinggi, Komitmen Rendah/sedang D4: kompetensi tinggi , Komitmen Tinggi The original version of the life-cycle theory of leadership uses maturity levels. Overtime, Hersey and Blanchard changed them to development levels as the model became know as the Situational Leadership® model. Maturity became seen as somewhat offensive and as the application broaden beyond parenting a change made sense. The development levels correspond with S levels the same way the older M levels did. (S1-S4 = D1-D4; see next slide for another graphical representation.) In his article, Recognition and Situational Leadership II, Blanchard named the four development levels D1: Enthusiastic Beginner D2: Disillusioned Learner D3: Capable but Cautious Contributor D4: Self-Reliant Achiever Competence and commitment of followers varies according to skill levels. As followers’ skills develop they move up from D1 to D4. “’All behavior is a function of its consequences.‘ Managers can harness the power of this statement by providing recognition and rewards to positively reinforce desired behavior and performance.” (Source: Recognition and Situational Leadership II) There is also a version of SLM called Situational Leadership® II. The Center for Leadership Studies, which was founded by Dr. Paul Hersey, provides training in Situational Leadership ®. (See The Kenneth Blanchard Companies provides training and coaching but focuses on Situational Leadership ® II. (See Development Levels of Followers High Low Moderate D1 D D3 D4 S1: Tell S2:Sell S3: Participate S4: Delegate

17 SLM Directive Behavior Supportive Behavior Mature Immature
Participating Q3 S3: High Relationship Low Task D3: Able but unwilling or insecure Selling Q2 S2: High Relationship High Task D2: Unable but willing or confident Delegating Q4 S4: Low Relationship D4: Able/competent & willing/confident Telling Q1 S1: Low Relationship D1: Unable & unwilling This 2 x 2 matrix summarizes the Situational Leadership® model and shows the connections between leadership styles and followers’ development levels. Relationship refers to relationship behavior. Giving support and encouragement Communicating: one-way versus two-way Facilitating interactions with others Active Listening to opinions and concerns Providing Feedback on accomplishments and results Task refers to the task behavior dimensions Goal setting Organizing Establishing timelines and deadlines Directing, specific directions Controlling Source: This matrix combines several figures developed by Hersey and Blanchard. (pp. 152, 154, 160, 163) The colors in the matrix are similar to those used by Hersey and Blanchard. The authors have a Tri-dimensional Leader Effectiveness model which shows the progression Mature Immature

18 Ciri-ciri Pemimpin Ambisi dan energi Hasrat untuk memimpin
Kejujuran dan integritas Percaya diri Cerdas Luwes

19 Kemampuan Seorang Pemimpin
Mampu menganalisa masalah & menarik kesimpulan Mampu menyusun, menyeleksi & menempatkan orang2 yang tepat Mampu mengorganisasikan pekerjaan Sumber: Ishak A & Hendri T, Mnj SDM, hal. 242, 2003

20 A Leader is One Who… knows the way… shows the way… …and goes the way

21 Jenjang Kepemimpinan & Prinsip Kuncinya
Organisasional Inside out! Manajerial Antar Pribadi Pribadi Layak Dipercaya Jenjang Kepemimpinan & Prinsip Kuncinya Kepercayaan Pemberdayaan Penyelarasan

22 Pemimpin yang Efektif Pembuat Keputusan Pengarah Motivator Inspirator

 Karisma  Kepedulian  Komitmen  Kejelasan  Komunikator  Konsisten  Kreatif  Kompeten  Keberanian  Kenekatan

24 PÊΜЇΜPĺŅ ĐĖPΛŃ  Pemimpin tidak menunggu  Karakter yg berbobot  Memiliki sandaran pd visi & misi thd masa depan  Pemimpin tdk dapat mengerjakan sendiri  Membangun nilai-nilai bersama  Integritas  Jadilah pemimpin yang GURU  Fokuskan tanggungjawab & kewajiban  Jadikan pengabdian sbg tradisi pribadi  Pahami kebutuhan yang anda pimpin

25 ŜЇFÀŤ ÚŦÄMĄ PÊΜЇΜPĺŅ Harus berani mengambil keputusan sendiri secara tegas & tepat (decision making) Harus berani menerima resiko sendiri Harus berani menerima tanggung jawab sendiri (Ingat: tanggung jawab sama sekali tidak boleh didelegasikan ke bawah)

26 Kita sering keliru memahami kepemimpinan dengan kedudukan, pangkat dan jabatan. Padahal kepemimpinan adalah mengenai DIRI KITA SENDIRI. Setiap kita sesungguhnya adalah PEMIMPIN. Esensi tertinggi dari kepemimpinan adalah mencapai hidup yang damai dan bahagia. Kepemimpinan sebenarnya adalah seni menikmati hidup.

27 Renungkan kesalahan yang Anda lakukan selama seminggu terakhir !!!
Leadership is an art Renungkan kesalahan yang Anda lakukan selama seminggu terakhir !!!

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