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Pertemuan <<11>> << LAJU REAKSI>>
Matakuliah : <<D0134>>/<<KIMIA INDUSTRI>> Tahun : <<2006>> Versi : <<BARU>> Pertemuan <<11>> << LAJU REAKSI>>
<< TIK-12 >>
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : << TIK-12 >>
Materi 1 : Definisi Laju Reaksi Materi 2 : Rumus Laju Reaksi
Outline Materi Materi 1 : Definisi Laju Reaksi Materi 2 : Rumus Laju Reaksi Materi 3 : Orde Reaksi
Definisi Laju Reaksi adalah:
*berkurangnya konsentrsi reaktan per satuan waktu => - ( Reaktan ) dt *bertambahnya konsentrasi produk per satuan waktu = > + ( produk )
Rumus Laju Reaksi Reaksi A + B C + D VA = -(A)/dt , VB = -(B)/dt
VC = +(C ) /dt, VD = +(D)/dt Laju reaksi ditentukan oleh zat yang bereaksi, oleh karena itu secara total rumus laju reaksi menjadi : V =k.(A)x(B)y ; k = konstanta laju reaksi x dan y = orde reaksi
this equation is called the rate law rate=k[NO]2[O2]1
Initial Rates and Rate Laws first get the reaction order from the data: 2x 2x 4x 2x this equation is called the rate law rate=k[NO]2[O2]1
second get the reaction constant from the data:
note: units for k differ for each reaction! (Why?)
The rate law, also called the differential rate law, shows how the reaction rate depends on concentration. The rate law must be determined experimentally!
example: determine the rate law for formation of I3- AND determine the rate constant
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