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Matakuliah : J0134/ Manajemen Strategik Tahun : 2006 ANALISIS LINGKUNGAN INDUSTRI Pertemuan 12

2 Tantangan produk domestic terhadap produk impor MNC, tantangan:
Tantangan Global Tantangan produk domestic terhadap produk impor MNC, tantangan: global kompetisi respons secara national Integrasi dunia,unifikasi regional, dampak: formulasi implementasi evaluasi strategi

3 Globalization of Industries
Faced by U.S. Firms -- Gain & maintain exports to other nations Defend domestic markets against imported goods Globalization of Industries Similar consumption patterns Global buyers and sellers E-commerce Instant transmission of money & information

4 Exports have surged for two decades
The Extremes of Global Capitalism Exports have surged for two decades While foreign investment has expanded . . . But growth has been highly uneven . . . And poverty is still widespread Over 40% in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa make less than $1 a day.

5 Industry Analysis - CPM
Identifies firm’s major competitors and their strengths & weaknesses in relation to a sample firm’s strategic positions

6 Matriks Profil Kompetitif
Industry Analysis CPM Matriks Profil Kompetitif Gateway Apple Dell Faktor Sukses Kritis Bobot Rating Skor Market share syst inventory Financial position Kualitas Produk loyalitas konsumen dist. Sales ekspansi global struktur organisasi Kaps prod 10.E-commerce 11.Cust. serv 12.Hrg kompetitif 13.Manj b’pengalaman 0,15 0,08 0,10 0,02 0,05 0,04 0,01 3 2 4 0,45 0,16 0,20 0,24 0,06 0,30 0,12 1 0,32 0,60 0,40 Total 1,00 2,83 2,47 3,49

7 Industry Analysis CPM Just because one firm receives a 3.49 rating and another receives a 2.83 rating, it does not follow that the first firm is +/-20% better than the second.

8 Persaingan & Siklus Hidup Industri:
1.Tahap Industri Baru Muncul 2.Tahap Industri Sedang Berkembang 3.Tahap Industri Yang Sudah Matang

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