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Matakuliah : T0604/Pengantar Teknologi Informasi

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Presentasi berjudul: "Matakuliah : T0604/Pengantar Teknologi Informasi"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Matakuliah : T0604/Pengantar Teknologi Informasi
Tahun : 2005 Versi : 1.0/0.0 Pertemuan 19 Computer-based Supply Chain Management and Information Systems Integration

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat Menjelaskan konsep supply chain, masalah dan solusi supply chain dengan menggunakan TI (C2)

3 Outline Materi Manajemen supply chain Masalah dan solusi dalam kasus supply chain Dukungan IT dalam supply chain dan integrasi sistem

4 Manajemen supply chain
Supply Chain Definitions

5 Simplified Supply Chain
Downstream Internal material Distributors information Organization’s production processes, including materials handling, inventory management, manufacturing, quality control material money Suppliers information money Retailers Customers

6 Integrated Make-to-Stock Continuous Replenishment Build-to-Order
Types of Supply Chains Integrated Make-to-Stock Continuous Replenishment Build-to-Order Channel Assembly

7 Many economic factors promote extending the supply chain globally
Global Supply Chains Many economic factors promote extending the supply chain globally E-commerce enables global supply chains Global supply chains are longer and more complex Use of information technology essential

8 Masalah dan solusi dalam kasus supply chain
How much are we going to sell? (demand forecasts) How long will it take? (for supplies to arrive; shipments to be received) What if the supplies are defective? (quality control) What if my order gets lost or miscommunicated? Bullwhip Effect

9 Masalah dan solusi dalam kasus supply chain (lanjutan)
Phantom Stockouts Vertical Integration Stockpile Inventory Improve Supply Chain Management

10 Dukungan IT dalam supply chain dan integrasi sistem
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Early model that integrated production, purchasing, and inventory management Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) MRP plus financial and labor planning Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Extension to entire enterprise, plus external business partners In short, Integration is the key

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