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( Pertemuan ke 3 ) MANAJEMEN STRATEJIK MAGISTER MANAGEMEN Prof. Dr. Ir. Kazan Gunawan
Organizational analysis -
A Resource-Based Approach to Organizational Analysis Organizational analysis - concerned with identifying and developing an organization’s resources and competencies
Core and Distinctive Competencies
A Resource-Based Approach to Organizational Analysis Core and Distinctive Competencies Competency - a cross-functional integration and coordination of capabilities Core competency - a collection of competencies that cross divisional boundaries, is wide-spread throughout the corporation and is something the corporation does exceedingly well Distinctive competency - core competencies that are superior to those of the competition
Sustainability an Advantage
A Resource-Based Approach to Organizational Analysis Sustainability an Advantage Durability - the rate at which a firm’s underlying resources, capabilities, or core competencies depreciate or become obsolete Imitability - the rate at which a firm’s underlying resources, capabilities, or core competencies can be duplicated by others
A Resource-Based Approach
to Organizational Analysis Imitability Transparency - the speed at which other firms understand the relationship of resources and capabilities support a successful strategy Transferability - the ability of competitors to gather the resources and capabilities necessary to support a competitive challenge ( wine maker ) Replicability - the ability of competitors to use duplicated resources and capabilities to imitate the other firm’s success
Determining the Sustainability of an Advantage
A Resource-Based Approach to Organizational Analysis Determining the Sustainability of an Advantage Explicit knowledge - knowledge that can be easily articulated and communicated Tacit knowledge - knowledge that is not easily communicated because it is deeply rooted in employee experience or in the company’s culture
Continuum of Resource Sustainability
Level of Resource Sustainability High (Hard to Imitate) Low (Easy to Imitate) Slow-Cycle Resources Strongly shielded Patents, brand name Gilette: Sensor razor Standard-Cycle Resources Standardized mass production Economies of scale Complicated processes Chrysler: Minivan Fast-Cycle Resources Easily duplicated Idea driven Sony: Walkman SOURCE: Copyright (c) 1992 by the Regents of the University of California. Reprinted from the California Management Review, Vol. 34, No. 3. By permission of The Regents.
Business models Value chain analysis
Customers Value Proposition, Profit Formula, Key Resources, Key Processes Value chain analysis Raw Materials Primary Manufacturing Fabrication Distributor Retailer
Basic Organizational Structures
Scanning Functional Resources and Capabilities Basic Organizational Structures Simple Functional Divisional Strategic Business Units Conglomerate
Scanning Functional Resources and Capabilities
Corporate Culture: The Company Way
Scanning Functional Resources and Capabilities Corporate Culture: The Company Way Corporate culture - the collection of beliefs, expectations and values learned and shared by a corporation’s members and transmitted from one generation of employees to another.
To identify internal strengths and weaknesses
ASSESING THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT I Monitoring/ Scan Resources (input) Present Strategy (process) Performance Output To identify internal strengths and weaknesses II Then compare them to Post performance of the three aspects above To the competitor’s analysis To the whole performance of the company
FAKTOR KUNCI SUKSES Th. 2011 Th. 2012 Kompetitor T S R 1. Sumber Daya Medis a. Tenaga Dokter Tenaga Perawat Tenaga Administrasi 2. Sarana dan Prasarana a. Ruang ICU Peralatan Medis Ruang UGD Laboratorium e. Farmasi 3. Manajemen RS a. Kepemimpinan RS Kualitas Pelayanan Kondisi Keuangan Program Litbang Sistem Informasi
KEKUATAN PELUANG ANCAMAN Probabilitas Sukses Daya Atraktif Probabilitas Terjadi Daya Rusak T S R Sosial a. Kesadaran Kes. Rendah b. Dukungan Pemerintah c. Kepercayaan Masyarakat d. Bantuan WHO Rendah e. Bencana Alam Industri a. RS. Asing b. RS. Lokal c. Teknologi Medis d. Asuransi Kesehatan e. Pengobatan Alternatif f. Berobat ke Luar Negeri g. Asistensi Depkes h. Suku Bunga Rendah I. Surplus Tenaga Medis
Tenaga Perawat Ruang ICU Ruang UGD Kepemimpinan RS Farmasi Kondisi Keuangan PELUANG Dukungan Pemerintah Kepercayaan Masyarakat Teknologi Medis Asuransi kesehatan Asistensi Depkes Suku Bunga Rendah KELEMAHAN Tenaga Administrasi Peralatan Medis Laboratorium Program Litbang Kualitas Pelayanan Sistem Informasi ANCAMAN Kesadaran Kes. Rendah Bantuan WHO rendah RS. Asing RS. Lokal Pengobatan Alternatif Berobat ke Luar Negeri
FAKTOR INTERNAL No. Kekuatan (S) S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Total
S1 : Tenaga Dokter X 4 2 S2 : Tenaga Perawat 3 S3 : Ruang ICU S4 : Ruang UGD 5 S5 : Kepemimpinan RS 6 S6 : Farmasi 7 S7 : Kondisi Keuangan Vertical Blank Horizontal Cross Ranking Urutan Ranking Kekuatan (5): 1 : Kepemimpinan RS 4 : Tenaga Perawat 2 : Kondisi Keuangan 5 : Ruang UGD 3 : Tenaga Dokter
FAKTOR INTERNAL No. Kelemahan (W) W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 Total Ranking
W1 : Tenaga Administrasi X 2 W2 : Peralatan Medis 3 W3 : Laboratorium 4 W4 : Program Litbang 5 W5 : Kualitas Pelayanan 6 W6 : Sistem Informasi Vertical Blank Horizontal Cross Ranking Urutan Ranking Kelemahan (5): 1 : Kualitas Pelayanan 4 : Tenaga Administrasi 2 : Peralatan Medis 5 : Sistem Informasi 3 : Laboratorium
FAKTOR EKSTERNAL No. Peluang (O) O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 Total Ranking
O1 : Dukungan Pemerintah X 3 2 O2 : Kepercayaan Masy. O3 : Teknologi Medis 4 O4 : Asuransi Kesehatan 5 O5 : Asistensi Depkes 6 O6 : Suku Bunga Rendah Vertical Blank Horizontal Cross Ranking Urutan Ranking Peluang (5): 1 : Kepercayaan Masyarakat 4 : Teknologi Medis 2 : Asistensi Depkes 5 : Asuransi Kesehatan 3 : Dukungan Pemerintah
FAKTOR EKSTERNAL No. Ancaman (T) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Total Ranking
T1 : Kesadaran Kes. Rendah X 3 2 T2 : Bantuan WHO Rendah T3 : RS Asing 4 T4 : RS Lokal 5 T5 : Pengobatan Alternatif 6 T6 : Berobat ke LN Vertical Blank Horizontal Cross Ranking Urutan Ranking Ancaman (5): 1 : RS. Lokal 4 : Berobat ke LN 2 : Pengobatan Alternatif 5 : RS. Asing 3 : Kesadaran Kes. Rendah
EXTERNAL FACTORS INTERNAL OPPORTUNITIES THREATS STRENGTHS Bgmn memanfaatkan komponen tenaga medis Esa Unggul Hospital utk meningkatkan kompetitif advantage Bgmn memobilisasi SDY mengurangi ancaman (kompetitor RS lain) WEAKNESSES Haruskah manajemen berinvestasi/divestasi utk memperkuat rasio tenaga medis thd pasien Bgmn mengendalikan penurunan daya kompetitif akibat munculnya kompetitor RS Kearns, Kevin P. “From comparative Advantage to Damage Control: Clarifying Strategy Issues Using SWOT Analysis,
Strategi Korporasi Esa Unggul Int’l Hospital
Stabilisasi Tetap berada pada business yang ada (RS) Strategi Fungsional 1. Kepemimpinan RS Meningkatkan Kinerja Manajemen 2. Mobilisasi S.D. Keuangan Meningkatkan Competitive Advantage: Developing employee competencies Down sizing (adm staff) Implementing Strategic HR Program
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