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Identify the science building

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Presentasi berjudul: "Identify the science building"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Identify the science building
 Explain the various brick work

2 Learning Objectives: Students can specify the equipment to work the bricks. Students can specify the materials for the brick work. Students can specify the kind of half-brick bond pair Students can specify the terms of 2 half-brick bond. Students can mention 2 types of bond brick wall 1. Students can specify the conditions of bond brick vertical pair 1. Students can carry the bricks, half bricks thick, for various types of bonds. Students can carry the brick to brick thick 1 pair. Konstruksi kayu

3 Equipment for brick work
meter of wood hoe gauge steel shovel waterpass sieve plastic hose betel untint-strand wood peil pencil yarn sledge hammer wood propil mallet scope roskam bucket Mortar box Konstruksi kayu

4 Materials required in the brick work
The lime PC Sand Water Konstruksi kayu

5 Various brick bond Stand ties Cross ties Vlam ties chain ties
Konstruksi kayu

6 BRICK TIES Half-brick ties Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 BRICK TIES 1 brick stand ties. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 BRICK TIES Cross ties Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 BRICK TIES 1 brick vlam ties. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

10 BRICK TIES Chain ties Teknologi dan Rekayasa

11 Terms of half-brick bond
Siar latitude may not be straight from top to bottom. Siar latitude shifted half a brick. Konstruksi kayu

12 1 brick ties Stand ties Cross ties Konstruksi kayu

13 Terms ties vertical brick wall 1
Siar portrait may not be straight from bottom to top. Siar latitude shifted a quarter brick and ¾ brick. Konstruksi kayu

14 Daftar Pustaka Soegihardjo,BAE Ilmu bangunan Gedung 1. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Purwoko, Timbul Petunjuk Praktek Batu dan Beton 1. Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

15 THANK YOU Konstruksi kayu

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