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Presentasi berjudul: "Light."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Light





6 Between Lens & Mirror Convex Lens = Concave Mirror (f = + positif)

7 Between Lens & Mirror Concave Lens = ConvexMirror (f = - negatif)

8 What is Refraction ? Light bends when a light ray travels from one medium to another medium of different density (such as from air to water). This bending of light is known as refraction.

9 Refraction When light travels from air to water it gets refracted
When light travels from air to glass, it gets refracted. When light travels from glass to water … ?

10 Light Bending N air water

11 Light Bending N air water

12 Light Bending air glass N N glass water

13 Refraction When light travels from air to glass, it gets refracted.
Normal incident ray glass block B A emergent ray Incident angle refracted angle


15 Macam-macam mata Emetropy = mata Normal Hipermetropy = rabun dekat
Miopy = rabun jauh Presbiopy = mata tua Astimatigma = mata silinder

16 Rabun jauh setelah di betulkan

17 Mata tua (presbiopi) Dengan bertambahnya usia, otot-otot siliar melemah (Tidak fleksibel) sehingga daya akomodasi berkurang. Jadi, mata tua adalah cacat mata akibat kurangnya daya akomodasi mata pada usia lanjut. Kacamata yang diperlukan adalah kacamata bifokal.

18 Kamera adalah alat paling populer dalam aktivitas fotografi.
Kamera merupakan salah satu alat optik

19 Perbedaan Kamera dan mata
Tempat bayangan mata: Retina Tempat bayangan Kamera: Film Pengatur cahaya mata: iris Pengatur cahaya kamera: Diafragma Jarak bayangan mata: tetap Jarak bayangan kamera: berubah Jarak fokus mata: berubah Jarak fokus kamera: Tetap

aperture shuttter NYATA TERBALIK DIPERKECIL S S’ Berlaku Persamaan: 1 1 1 + = S S’ f


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