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Sigmund Freud PSYCHOANALYSIS Pertemuan 3-6

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2 Sigmund Freud PSYCHOANALYSIS Pertemuan 3-6
Matakuliah : L0194 – Psikologi Kepribadian Tahun : 2010 Sigmund Freud PSYCHOANALYSIS Pertemuan 3-6

3 “A Dark Black Past is My Most Valued Possession” (Dave Mustaine - Megadeth, 1992)

4 A trauma is powerful enough to create an alternate personality
" I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you." "I see without seeing... To me, darkness is as clear as daylight--what am I?" A trauma is powerful enough to create an alternate personality leaves the victim in a world where normal rules of right and wrong no longer apply... BINA NUSANTARA

5 Mengapa Psikoanalisa begitu kelam? BINA NUSANTARA

6 Sejarah (Traumatis) yang Berulang
Trauma historis: Musa (the hunted) – Petinggi Yahudi di Nazareth (the hunter) – Yahudi Eropa (the hunted) – Yahudi/Zionis Israel (the hunter) Trauma pribadi: “Dasar Yahudi!” BINA NUSANTARA

7 Pandangan Lama (Teori Instink)
Eros Thanatos Aku menyayangi anak-anakku. Itu sebabnya, aku membunuh orang yang mencoba menyakiti mereka! BINA NUSANTARA

8 Lima Fase Terpenting Psychophysic Parallelism Oral Anal Phallic Latent
Genital Psychophysic Parallelism BINA NUSANTARA

9 I don’t wanna know about it
I don’t like it Consciousness Repression I don’t wanna know about it Subconsciousness I never experience it Unconsciousness BINA NUSANTARA

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