Interpersonal Skill.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Interpersonal Skill."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Interpersonal Skill

2 Interpersonal Relationship?
between two or more people

3 Effective Interpersonal Relation
Face to Face and Personal Empathy and Good Communication Respect, Positive and No Judge Understanding other experience Open and Supportive Trust and Save

4 Interpersonal Relationship Needs:
Self-awareness (kesadaran diri), Self confidence (kepercayaan diri) Positive personal impact (dampak personal yg positif) Out standing performance ( penampilan yg memukau) Communication skills (kemampuan komunikasi Interpersonal competence (kompetensi interpersonal)

5 Self Awareness Self Aware Our behaviour are natural? Actually are not
Blind Spot Dengan self aware (sadar diri), kita belajar untuk memahami apa dampak dari tingkah laku yang kita tampilkan, baik itu positif maupun negatif terhadap orang lain. Pengetahuan ini akan membantu kita menjadi lebih efektif dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain.

6 Self-Confidence SELF-CONFIDENCE: Sureness about one’s self-worth and capabilities (keyakinan sso akan harga diri dan kemampuannya)

7 Positive Personal Impact
First impression? Good or Bad Outlook appearance? Good or Bad Body Language ? Good or Bad The way you talk? Good or Bad Attitude? Good or Bad TRY HARD TO BE POSITIVE ONE !!

8 Outstanding performance
Do the Best, push you to the max If we can be an extraordinary, so why we became just an ordinary

9 Good interpersonal skills
Interpersonal competence

10 6. Monitor TL sendiri dan Org Lain
6 Interpersonal Skill 1. Analisa Situasi 2. Tujuan yg Realistis 3. Tingkah Laku yg Tepat 4. Kontrol Tingkah Laku 5. Bentuk Tl Orang lain 6. Monitor TL sendiri dan Org Lain

11 No matter how hard you work or how many brilliant ideas you may have, if you can’t connect with the people who work around you, your professional life will suffer.

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