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Presentasi berjudul: "MIXING."— Transcript presentasi:



3 Mixing dalam operasi TL
Equalisasi Netralisasi Koagulasi flokulasi Aerasi Disinfeksi

4 Alat dalam operasi mixing
Mekanikal (Rotating impellerpropeler, turbin, paddle) Pneumatik (Air agitator, mixing jet/pump) Baffle basin

5 Tipe Impeller Propeller

6 Turbine

7 Paddle/dayung

8 oblique paddle agitator
Straight padle agitator

9 Paraboladisc turbin Arc disc turbin

10 Agitator spread around
Helical ribbon impelller

11 Special blade agitator

12 Posisi mixer Top entering mixer Bottom enter Side enter

13 Vortex The motion of the fluid swirling rapidly around a center is called a vortex. The speed and rate of rotation of the fluid are greatest at the center, and decrease progressively with distance from the center. The fluid pressure in a vortex is lowest in the center (where the speed is greatest) and rises progressively with distance from the center. Vorteks menghalangi operasi mixing dengan cara mengurangi kecepatan impeller relatif terhadap cairan

14 Vortex dapat dikurangi dengan baffling yang tepat (1/10 – 1/12 dari diameter tangki)

15 Contoh operasi mixing Koagulasi flokulasi Rapid mixing  koagulasi
Slow mixing  flokulasi

16 G value (velocity gradient)
The degree of mixing is based on the power imparted to the water GT (rapid mixing) (Slow mixing) G (/detik) T (detik) 1000 900 700 20 30 50/> G (/detik) T (menit) 70 35 20 60 Sumber: Reynolds, 1982

17 Praktek/demo jar test Rapid mixing  100 rpm selama 60 det
Slow mixing  60 rpm selama 5 min  40 rpm selama 10 min Latihan: hitung G value

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