L E A D I N G. L E A D I N G “Leading is when managers instill enthusiasm by communicating with others, motivating them to work hard, and maintaining.

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2 L E A D I N G

3 “Leading is when managers instill enthusiasm by communicating with others, motivating them to work hard, and maintaining good interpersonal relations” (Schermerhorn et al, 2000)

4 Personality research and studies of job attitudes
Behavioral Sciences Motivational Communi-cation Leadership Personality research and studies of job attitudes

5 Behavioral Sciences Beberapa perilaku yang mempengaruhi organisasi
Locus of Control (proses  outcome) Self Eficacy (kepercayaan diri) (pandangan tentang hirarki) Authoritarianism Machiavellism (Tingkat Rasionalitas) (Tingkat Keinginan untuk memperoleh penghargaan) Self-Esteem Risk Propensity (perilaku dalam menghadapi tantangan)

6 Personality research and studies of job attitudes
How managers can lead their subordinates effectively ? Personality research and studies of job attitudes The big five model of personality Agreeableness (tingkat persetujuan : kemampuan dalam berinteraksi) Conscientiousness (tingkat keseriusan terhadap rencana pencapaian tujuan organisasi) Negatif emotion (tingkat ketidakstabilan emosi) (tingkat keterbukaan dalam berinteraksi) Openness (tingkat kenyamanan yang dimiliki individu untuk berinteraksi) Extraversion

7 How managers can effectively and persuasively communicate ?

8 important information about the ways in which workers can be energized to put forth productive effort Motivational

9 “What makes a manager a good leader
“What makes a manager a good leader?” and “In what situations are certain leadership styles most appropriate and effective?” Leadership


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