DEVIANT BEHAVIOR Dr. Rawuh Edy Priyono. Deviance? Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural.

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1 DEVIANT BEHAVIOR Dr. Rawuh Edy Priyono

2 Deviance? Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms Norms guide virtually all human activities, so the concept of deviance is also quite broad. Norms guide virtually all human activities, so the concept of deviance is also quite broad. That social deviation is a conduct that is regarded by a large number of people as something that is indecent and intolerable That social deviation is a conduct that is regarded by a large number of people as something that is indecent and intolerable

3 Deviant Behavior ? Biological Conception Analitycal Conception (Jack Gibbs, 1989)

4 Biological Conception Criminals were viewed as biologically distinctive in one way or another Criminals were viewed as biologically distinctive in one way or another The deviants or criminals possess some internal trait that distinguishes them from non deviants The deviants or criminals possess some internal trait that distinguishes them from non deviants Type: endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph (Sheldon) Type: endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph (Sheldon)

5 Analitycal Conception The view that the essential characteristic of a deviant or deviant act is external to the actor and the act Deviance is not quality of the act a person commits, but rather a consequence of the application by other of rules and sanction to an offender

6 Robert Merton He especially has tried to explain all deviant behavior in terms of social structure He especially has tried to explain all deviant behavior in terms of social structure He suggest that all forms deviant behavior result from differentials in the access to the success goals of a society by legitimate means He suggest that all forms deviant behavior result from differentials in the access to the success goals of a society by legitimate means

7 Deviant Behavior ? Deviant behavior is a form of adaptation to a certain situation Deviant behavior is a form of adaptation to a certain situation

8 ADAPTATIONS TO ANOMIE NO ADAPTATION CULTURAL GOALS Institutionali -zed Means 1 Conformity ++ 2 Innovation +- 3 Ritualism -+ 4 Retreatism -- 5 Rebellion -+

9 Conformity Conformity this means following the objective and way determined by the society Conformity this means following the objective and way determined by the society The individual accepts the cultural goals and uses the legitimate means for attempting to realize them The individual accepts the cultural goals and uses the legitimate means for attempting to realize them

10 Innovation Innovation which means following the objective determined by the society but using a way that is prohibited by the society Innovation which means following the objective determined by the society but using a way that is prohibited by the society Innovation is the situation where cultural goals are accepted but means are unavailable and rejected, with the result that new means are invented to realize success goals Innovation is the situation where cultural goals are accepted but means are unavailable and rejected, with the result that new means are invented to realize success goals

11 Ritualism Ritualism this means a behavior that ignores cultural goals, but still follows the ways outlined by society. Rituals a still performed by people but the original meaning has gone

12 Retreatism Retreatism that is behavior which has abandoned conventional purpose and ways Retreatism that is behavior which has abandoned conventional purpose and ways Retreatism involeves rejecting both means and ends with the result that individual apathetically exist within social system Retreatism involeves rejecting both means and ends with the result that individual apathetically exist within social system Examples: drug abuse, drunkards, hippies Examples: drug abuse, drunkards, hippies

13 Rebellion Rebellion involves the rejection of both means and ends as well as efforts to substitute new means and ends Rebellion involves the rejection of both means and ends as well as efforts to substitute new means and ends Example: religious reformers Example: religious reformers


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