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Upon This.

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1 Upon This

2 Matthew 16:18 (NKJV) 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

3 Peter: “Petros” (small stone)
Rock: “Petra” (large rock) Original name: Simon (reed)

4 What is the Rock? Peter? Peter’s confession? Jesus?

5 Who is the “rock”? Psalms 18:2 (NKJV) 2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; 3Ya TUHAN, bukit batuku, kubu pertahananku dan penyelamatku, Allahku, gunung batuku, tempat aku berlindung, perisaiku, tanduk keselamatanku, kota bentengku!

6 Who is the “rock”? 1 Samuel 2:2 (NKJV) 2 "No one is holy like the Lord, For there is none besides You, Nor is there any rock like our God. 2Tidak ada yang kudus seperti TUHAN, sebab tidak ada yang lain kecuali Engkau dan tidak ada gunung batu seperti Allah kita. Psalms 18:31 (NKJV) 31 For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God? 32Sebab siapakah Allah selain dari TUHAN, dan siapakah gunung batu kecuali Allah kita?

7 But He invites us to be part of the Rock!
1 Peter 2:4-5 (NIV) 4 As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him-- 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house… 4Dan datanglah kepadaNya, batu yang hidup itu, yang memang dibuang oleh manusia, tetapi yang dipilih dan dihormat, di hadirat, Allah. 5Dan biarlah kamu juga dipergunakan sebagai batu hidup untuk pembangunan suatu rumah rohani, bagi suatu imamat kudus,

8 But He invites us to be part of the Rock!
Isaiah 51:1 (TLB) 1 "Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance, who seek the Lord! Consider the quarry from which you were mined, the rock from which you were cut! Pandanglah gunung batu yang dari padanya kamu terpahat, dan kepada lobang penggalian batu yang dari padanya kamu tergali.

9 How to be part of the Rock
Mat 16:13 Setelah Yesus tiba di daerah Kaisarea Filipi, Ia bertanya kepada murid-muridNya: "Kata orang, siapakah Anak Manusia itu?“ 14Jawab mereka: "Ada yang mengatakan: Yohanes Pembaptis, ada juga yang mengatakan: Elia dan ada pula yang mengatakan: Yeremia atau salah seorang dari pada nabi."15Lalu Yesus bertanya kepada mereka: "Tetapi apa katamu, siapakah Aku ini?" Pengakuan kita sangat penting!

10 How to be part of the Rock
Romans 10:9-11 (NIV) 9Sebab jika kamu mengaku dengan mulutmu, bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan, dan percaya dalam hatimu, bahwa Allah telah membangkitkan Dia dari antara orang mati, maka kamu akan diselamatkan. 10Karena dengan hati orang percaya dan dibenarkan, dan dengan mulut orang mengaku dan diselamatkan. 11Karena Kitab Suci berkata: "Barangsiapa yang percaya kepada Dia, tidak akan dipermalukan."

11 How to be part of the Rock
Isaiah 28:16 (AMP) 16 Therefore thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am laying in Zion for a foundation a Stone, a tested Stone, a precious Cornerstone of sure foundation; he who believes (trusts in, relies on, and adheres to that Stone) will not be ashamed or give way or hasten away [in sudden panic].

12 Peter made it! Matius 16: Maka jawab Simon Petrus: "Engkau adalah Mesias, Anak Allah yang hidup!“ 17Kata Yesus kepadanya: "Berbahagialah engkau Simon bin Yunus sebab bukan manusia yang menyatakan itu kepadamu, melainkan BapaKu yang di sorga.

13 Close doesn’t count! Mark 12:28-34 (NKJV) Lalu seorang ahli Taurat, yang mendengar Yesus dan orang-orang Saduki bersoal jawab dan tahu, bahwa Yesus memberi jawab yang tepat kepada orang-orang itu, datang kepadaNya dan bertanya: "Hukum manakah yang paling utama?" I. The first truth is that it is possible to be close but wrong about Jesus. -If you are playing golf and the ball stops one inch from the cup, does that count? -If a wide receiver drops the ball in the end zone does that count as a touchdown? -If a boy stops a kiss one inch from his girls face, does that count as a kiss? Even so, being close in your opinion of Jesus does not count.Ill- Karl Barth, a famous theologian, was on a streetcar one day in Basel, Switzerland, where he lectured. A tourist to the city climbed on and sat down next to Barth. The two men started chatting with each other. "Are you new to the city?" Barth inquired. "Yes," said the tourist. "Is there anything you would particularly like to see in this city?" asked Barth. "Yes; he said, "I’d love to meet the famous theologian Karl Barth. Do you know him?" Barth replied, "Well, as a matter of fact, I do. I give him a shave every morning." The tourist got off the streetcar quite delighted. He went back to his hotel saying to himself, "I met Karl Barth’s barber today." That tourist missed the point!

14 Close doesn’t count! Lalu kata ahli Taurat itu kepada Yesus: "Tepat sekali, Guru, benar kataMu itu, bahwa Dia esa, dan bahwa tidak ada yang lain kecuali Dia. 33Memang mengasihi Dia dengan segenap hati dan dengan segenap pengertian dan dengan segenap kekuatan, dan juga mengasihi sesama manusia seperti diri sendiri adalah jauh lebih utama dari pada semua korban bakaran dan korban sembelihan." 34Yesus melihat, bagaimana bijaksananya jawab orang itu, dan Ia berkata kepadanya: "Engkau tidak jauh dari Kerajaan Allah!" I. The first truth is that it is possible to be close but wrong about Jesus. -If you are playing golf and the ball stops one inch from the cup, does that count? -If a wide receiver drops the ball in the end zone does that count as a touchdown? -If a boy stops a kiss one inch from his girls face, does that count as a kiss? Even so, being close in your opinion of Jesus does not count.Ill- Karl Barth, a famous theologian, was on a streetcar one day in Basel, Switzerland, where he lectured. A tourist to the city climbed on and sat down next to Barth. The two men started chatting with each other. "Are you new to the city?" Barth inquired. "Yes," said the tourist. "Is there anything you would particularly like to see in this city?" asked Barth. "Yes; he said, "I’d love to meet the famous theologian Karl Barth. Do you know him?" Barth replied, "Well, as a matter of fact, I do. I give him a shave every morning." The tourist got off the streetcar quite delighted. He went back to his hotel saying to himself, "I met Karl Barth’s barber today." That tourist missed the point!

15 Close doesn’t count! Mengapa Tuhan Yesus hanya menilai orang itu “tidak jauh” dan bukan didalam Kerajaan Allah? Bagi dia Yesus hanyalah “guru” Meskipun ia setuju dengan semua yang Yesus katakan, tidak jelas apakah ia melakukannya. Yesus hanya ,elihat betapa “bijaksana” jawabannya, hidupnya belum tentu! I. The first truth is that it is possible to be close but wrong about Jesus. -If you are playing golf and the ball stops one inch from the cup, does that count? -If a wide receiver drops the ball in the end zone does that count as a touchdown? -If a boy stops a kiss one inch from his girls face, does that count as a kiss? Even so, being close in your opinion of Jesus does not count.Ill- Karl Barth, a famous theologian, was on a streetcar one day in Basel, Switzerland, where he lectured. A tourist to the city climbed on and sat down next to Barth. The two men started chatting with each other. "Are you new to the city?" Barth inquired. "Yes," said the tourist. "Is there anything you would particularly like to see in this city?" asked Barth. "Yes; he said, "I’d love to meet the famous theologian Karl Barth. Do you know him?" Barth replied, "Well, as a matter of fact, I do. I give him a shave every morning." The tourist got off the streetcar quite delighted. He went back to his hotel saying to himself, "I met Karl Barth’s barber today." That tourist missed the point!

16 Close doesn’t count! Mat 7:12 "Setiap orang yang mendengar perkataanKu ini dan melakukannya, ia sama dengan orang yang bijaksana, yang mendirikan rumahnya di atas batu. 25Kemudian turunlah hujan dan datanglah banjir, lalu angin melanda rumah itu, tetapi rumah itu tidak rubuh sebab didirikan di atas batu.

17 Close doesn’t count! Mat 16:18 Dan Akupun berkata kepadamu: Engkau adalah Petrus dan di atas batu karang ini Aku akan mendirikan jemaatKu dan alam maut tidak akan menguasainya. 19Kepadamu akan Kuberikan kunci Kerajaan Sorga. Apa yang kauikat di dunia ini akan terikat di sorga dan apa yang kaulepaskan di dunia ini akan terlepas di sorga." God cannot even start to build in your life before you become part of the rock in the first place!


19 And this is the sure foundation:
Amsal 3:5 Percayalah kepada TUHAN dengan segenap hatimu, dan janganlah bersandar kepada pengertianmu sendiri. 6Akuilah Dia dalam segala lakumu, maka Ia akan meluruskan jalanmu. 7Janganlah engkau menganggap dirimu sendiri bijak, takutlah akan TUHAN dan jauhilah kejahatan;… 9 Muliakanlah TUHAN dengan hartamu dan dengan hasil pertama dari segala penghasilanmu, 10maka lumbung-lumbungmu akan diisi penuh sampai melimpah-limpah, dan bejana pemerahanmu akan meluap dengan air buah anggurnya.

20 Our confession of trust
“Tuhan kami percaya kepadaMu dengan segenap hati kami dan kami tidak bersandar kepada pengertian kami sendiri. Tuhan kami mengakuiMu dalam segala laku kami dan Engkau akan meluruskan jalan kami. Kami tidak menganggap diri kami bijak, kami takut akan Tuhan dan kami menjauhi kejahatan… Hari ini kami ingin memuliakanMu dengan harta kami dan FirmanMu mengatakan bahwa Engkau akan mengisi lumbung kami sampai penuh melimpah; kami membawa persembahan kami sebagai pengakuan kami bahwa kami percaya kepadaMu dan janjiMu. Amin.”

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