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3 SUMBER Chaffey, Dave E-Business and E-Commerce Management (Chapter 11). 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall Bina Nusantara University

4 Gambar: urutan siklus pengembangan sistem yang umum.
Bina Nusantara University

5 Isu Implementasi Sistem
Teknik akuisisi Alat implementasi situs Manajemen Konten dan updating Penggantian Sistem Lokalisasi Evaluasi dan monitoring. Bina Nusantara University

6 Akuisisi Sistem Dalam mengakuisisi sistem, ada beberapa pilihan:
Beespoke development: sistem EC dibangun dari awal. Off-the-shelf (packaged): sistem yang dibeli dari vendor. Tailored off-the shelf development: sistem yang dibeli dari vendor namun dimodifikasi/disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Bina Nusantara University

7 Gambar: penggunaan script untuk membuat konten web secara dinamis untuk Form Proses
Bina Nusantara University

8 Testing e-Bisnis Type of testing Developer tests Feasibility testing
Description Developer tests Code level tests performed by developers of modules Feasibility testing Tests a new approach, often near the start of a project to make sure it is acceptable in terms of user experience Module (component) tests Checks individual modules have the correct functionality i.e. correct outputs are produced for specified inputs (black-box testing) Integration testing Checks interactions between groups of modules System testing Checks interactions between all modules in the system Database transaction taken Can the user connect to the database and are transactions executed correctly Performance/capacity testing Tests the speed of the system under high load Usability testing Check that the system is easy to use and follows the conventions of user-centred design described in Chapter 11 Acceptance tests Checks the system is acceptable for the party that commissioned it Content or copy testing Tests the acceptability of copy from a marketing view Bina Nusantara University

9 Penggantian Sistem Untuk mengganti sistem yang lama dengan yang baru ada beberapa cara yang dapat digunakan (lihat tabel). Method Main advantages Main disadvantages 1. Immediate cutover. Straight from old system to new system on a single date Rapid, lowest cost High risk. Major disruption if serious errors with system 2. Parallel running. Old system and new system run side-by-side for a period Lower risk than immediate cutover Slower and higher cost than immediate cutover 3. Phased implementation. Different modules of the system are introduced sequentially Good compromise between methods 1 and 2 Difficult to achieve technically due to interdependencies between modules 4. Pilot system. Trial implementation occurs before widespread deployment Essential for multinational or national rollouts Has to be used in combination with the other methods Bina Nusantara University

10 Isu Manajemen terhadap Pemeliharaan Sistem
Keputusan terhadap frekuensi dan konten yang diperbaharui. Proses untuk memeliharan situs dan tanggung jawab untuk update Seleksi content management system Testing dan mengkomunikasikan terhadap pengubahan yang telah dibuat. Integrasi dengan sistem monitoring dan pengukuran Memanej konten untuk organisasi global. Bina Nusantara University

11 Proses Pengukuran Performa
Bina Nusantara University

12 Lima diagnosa kategori untuk pengukuran e-marketing. (Chaffey, 2000)
Bina Nusantara University

13 Perbedaan tipe data terhadap manajemen sistem performa untuk Internet Marketing
Bina Nusantara University

14 Pertanyaan & Diskusi? Bina Nusantara University

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