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Diterbitkan olehYandi Hermawan Telah diubah "6 tahun yang lalu
ANALYSIS Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Knowledge Skill Attitude
Kompetensi Dasar Berbicara Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tidak resmi dan mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur menanyakan dan memberi petunjuk arah. BACK
Indikator Melakukan tindak tutur berkenalan.
Menggunakan tindak tutur menanyakan arah. Menggunakan tindak tutur memberi petunjuk. Manggunakan tindak tutur menunjukkan perhatian. Melakukan pertunjukkan drama. Melakukan monolog untuk menceritakan pengalaman. Melakukan tindak tutur konfirmasi. BACK
Knowledge Interruption excuse me Greeting hi, guys, man,
How to reply to a greeting hi How to introduce yourself My name is Andres. Asking directions Do you know where i could find it, Adam? Mary, do you know where the ATM is? Hi Jes. I’m lost. We try to find Pazzo’s Pizzaria.
How to give simple directions
Go down the street here. Take a left after the bridge. It will be on your left. It’s the same way. Cross the bridge. To the right. How to give complex directions Down the street about two blocks, and thenleft about two blocks, and you’ll see it on youe left.
How to give an idea of distance
Jes: Go down the street about fifty yards. Andres: One block. How to seek confirmation So, down the street, then ... (talked to Mary) How to reply by confirming what was said Yes. Right. How to take your leave Andres said “bye” in the end of the conversation. How to respond to a farewell greeting Pleasure to meeting you. Bye. Analyzing So, we finally found Piazzo’s Pizzaria. We found it because it was gonna be next to art gallery. Another reference point was in front of Art’s Bar.
Simple present tense (What’s your name? What does on my left mean?)
Accuracy (grammar) Simple present tense (What’s your name? What does on my left mean?) Past perfect tense (Have you seen it around here?) Future tense (You’ll see it on your left.) Preposition (go down, go up, go around, walk up, go over) Past tense (We crossed the bridge.) Indirect sentences (she said....) Casual language guys, man, slang (It was gonna be next to art gallery., Bye., ) BACK
Skill Pronunciation Use appropriate style Stress patterns Intonation
Articulation Gesture (showing direction) Fluency (being respon to the question correctly) BACK
Attitude Intimacy When Andres was meeting a person in the first time, he always introduced himself (My name is Andres). He wants to get closer with the persons he met to show that he is friendly and welcome by asking their name (What’s your name?). Respect Showing respect by calling his/her name in every occasion (asking direction, greeting, farewell greeting). Do you know where I can find it, Adam?
Politeness (shaking hand, )
Facial expression (smile) Basa-basi
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