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Matakuliah : T0234 / Sistem Informasi Geografi
Tahun : 2005 Versi : 01/revisi 1 Pertemuan 01 Definisi, Karakteristik, Contoh Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG)
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menjelaskan mengenai konsep dasar, keunggulan, karakteristik dan contoh-contoh aplikasi SIG (C2 , TIK-01)
Materi 2 : Keunggulan SIG Materi 3 : Karakteristik SIG
Outline Materi Materi 1 : Definisi SIG Materi 2 : Keunggulan SIG Materi 3 : Karakteristik SIG Materi 4 : Contoh Aplikasi SIG
Definisi SIG (1) Menurut Rhind (1989). Menurut Burrough (1986)
A computer system that can hold and use data describing places on the Earth’ surfaces. Menurut Burrough (1986) A set of tools for collecting, storing, retrieving at will, transforming, and displaying spatial data from the real world for a particular set of purposes.
Menurut Prof. Jacob Rais (2001)
Definisi SIG (2) Menurut Prof. Jacob Rais (2001) Sistem Informasi berbasis komputer dengan memakai data digital berujuk pada lokasi geografis di muka bumi. Menurut ESRI ( ESRI White Paper, 2001 ) A computer software that links geographic information (where things are) with descriptive information (what things are). Lainnya, Lihat buku referensi. (Eddy Prahasta : “Konsep-konsep Dasar SIG”, hal.56-57, 2001, dsb.)
Geographic Information Systems
Definisi SIG (3) Geographic Information Systems Describing Our World We can describe any element of our world in two ways: Attribute Information: What is it? Species: Oak Height: 15m Age: 75 Yrs Location Information: Where is it? 51°N, 112°W
Definisi SIG (4) ESRI Canada : GIS is a system of computer software, hardware and data, and personnel to help manipulate, analyze and present information that is tied to a spatial location. Spatial location – usually a geographic location Information – visualization of analysis of data System – linking software, hardware, data Personnel – a thinking explorer who is key to the power of GIS GIS : A method to visualize, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial data
Definisi SIG (5) : GIS is a technology that is used to view and analyze data from a geographic perspective. The technology is a piece of an organization's overall information system framework. GIS links location to information (such as people to addresses, buildings to parcels, or streets within a network) and layers that information to give you a better understanding of how it all interrelates. You choose what layers to combine based on your purpose. Within a few hours of the destruction of Space Shuttle Columbia, GIS accurately modeled the shuttle's debris location and distribution. (see this image)
Definisi SIG (6) Three Views of a GIS (http://www.gis.com)
A GIS is most often associated with maps. A map, however, is only one of three ways a GIS can be used to work with geographic information. These three ways are: The Database View: A GIS is a unique kind of database of the world—a geographic database (geo-database). It is an "Information System for Geography." Fundamentally, a GIS is based on a structured database that describes the world in geographic terms.
Definisi SIG (7) Three Views of a GIS (http://www.gis.com)
2. The Map View: A GIS is a set of intelligent maps and other views that show features and feature relationships on the earth's surface. Maps of the underlying geographic information can be constructed and used as "windows into the database" to support queries, analysis, and editing of the information. This is called geovisualization.
Definisi SIG (8) Three Views of a GIS (http://www.gis.com)
3. The Model View: A GIS is a set of information transformation tools that derive new geographic datasets from existing datasets. These geoprocessing functions take information from existing datasets, apply analytic functions, and write results into new derived datasets.
Keunggulan SIG (1) Kemudahan & Kecepatan Akses Data yang bervolume besar Kemampuan untuk : Mencari detil berdasarkan area atau thema Membuat link ke data set lain Menganalisa karakteristik spasial dari data Melakukan update data dengan cepat & murah Menghasilkan output sesuai kebutuhan : Peta, Grafik, Daftar Alamat, Ringkasan data statistik , dsb.
Keunggulan SIG (2) Kemudahan & Kecepatan Akses Data yang bervolume besar GIS contains many layers of information: Surface Geology Elevation Base Map Data These are just a few of the kinds of layers a GIS can contain:
Keunggulan SIG (3) Kemampuan untuk membuat link ke data set lain
GIS software links the location data and the attribute data:
Keunggulan SIG (4) Kemampuan untuk menganalisa karakteristik spasial
What provinces have more than 1.5 million people? Attribute Questions: GIS software can answer questions about our world: What provinces border Saskatchewan? Spatial Questions:
GIS can analyze data in many ways:
Keunggulan SIG (5) Kemampuan untuk menganalisa karakteristik spasial GIS can analyze data in many ways:
Menghasilkan output sesuai kebutuhan :
Keunggulan SIG (6) Menghasilkan output sesuai kebutuhan : Peta, Grafik, Daftar Alamat, Ringkasan data statistik, dsb.
Kombinasi data spasial & non-spasial
Karakteristik SIG (1) Kombinasi data spasial & non-spasial YOUR CHOICE: TABULAR DATA? State Population (1991) Johor 2,074,297 Kedah 1,304,800 Kelantan 1,181,680 Melaka 504,502 OR MAP?
Kemampuan manipulasi data untuk berbagai aplikasi
Karakteristik SIG (2) Kemampuan manipulasi data untuk berbagai aplikasi Surface Geology Base Map Data Elevation
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (1) Environmental Public Utilities Agriculture Marketing Park Management Health Care Real Estate Emergency
What are the effects of Global Warming?
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (2) Environmental What are the effects of Global Warming? Land cover and temperature relationships are made clear when the data are seen at once using Geotechnology.
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (3) Public Utilities Is it safe to dig here?
A proposed excavation, identified by address, is compared to pipelines in the area using Geotechnology.
How can I improve food production?
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (4) Agriculture How can I improve food production? Geotechnology is used in making crop management decisions to maximize yields and minimize fertilizer input.
How can I optimize my Marketing Campaign?
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (5) Marketing How can I optimize my Marketing Campaign? Geotechnology can query a database and identify only those areas with the highest household income within a specified distance of a store.
Will the new building spoil the Park Scenery?
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (6) Park Management Will the new building spoil the Park Scenery? Park planners use Geotechnology to determine if a new Visitor Centre can be seen from the peak.
What Communities are at risk from Disease?
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (7) Health Care What Communities are at risk from Disease? Geotechnology identifies communities at risk of River Blindness and helps determine the impact of treatment.
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (8) Real Estate Where is my Dream Home?
With Geotechnology, an agent can show a map of a neighborhood and a picture or video of the actual properties.
What is the fastest route to the Hospital?
Contoh Aplikasi SIG (9) Emergency What is the fastest route to the Hospital? Geotechnology can choose the fastest route to a hospital. The GIS can take into account traffic and other impediments.
Penutup Mahasiswa diharapkan telah memahami konsep-konsep dasar SIG, khususnya : Definisi, Keunggulan, Karakteristik, Contoh Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi.
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