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Open and Closed Social Stratification

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Presentasi berjudul: "Open and Closed Social Stratification"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Open and Closed Social Stratification

2 Social mobility: Moving from one social class to another and moving from one social strata to another. Can move vertically -> up and down Can move horizontally

3 Closed Social Stratification Open Social Stratification
Fill in the following chart with the correct concepts: Vertical mobility Achieved statuses Caste system Based on who you are Capitalist society Based on what you can do Ascribed statuses Horizontal mobility Closed Social Stratification Open Social Stratification

4 Mixed Social Stratification:
Contohnya dalam masyarakat Bali. Dalam bidang budaya dikenal sistem atau budaya kasta yang tertutup dan tidak memungkinkan anggota masyarakat berpindah kedudukan sosialnya. Namun di bidang lain, misalnya bidang ekonomi, masyarakat Bali tidak mengenal kasta dan bersifat terbuka, artinya tinggi rendahnya kedudukan sosial yang dimiliki oleh anggota masyarakat tegantung pada kemampuan dan kecakapannya. Let’s talk about the shape of the diagram above. What is the deeper meaning or the symbolism in this shape? What does it tell us about power or the size of each layer?

5 What does a pyramid shape tell us
What does a pyramid shape tell us? Sometimes you feel like this stuff is obvious, but when you are asked to explain it, you may not be able to! Question to consider: The bottom strata/layer has the most people in it. Why don’t they have the most power?

6 How do we see what strata (layers) someone is from?

7 Clothing

8 Housing and Furniture

9 Language Kromo inggil: A: Assalamualaikum......
B:  Wa’alaikum monggo pinarak. a:  Injih matursuwun b:  Piyambaan mawon niki? Teenagers: A: Hey Man! B: What’s up, dude? A: Just hangin’ with the bros. B: Man, you see that show last night? A: It was lit!

10 Food and Dining

11 Title, Rank, Position Ms. Sarah Prather Ms. Sarah Ms. Sarah, S.Pd
Ms. Sarah, B.A.

12 Hobbies

13 Social stratification can be caused by
Economic factors (wealth) (p. 50) Social factors (race or a job) (p. 54) Political factors (power and authority) (p. 54) There is not just one type of social stratification at one time. We are constantly in many different ones. At our school for example, you could be in a variety of positions: poor, teacher, and the leader of an event

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