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Skill Assessment Curriculum 2004
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
1. Diperdengarkan dialog transaksional sangat sederhana, siswa dapat memilih satu dari empat gambar yang mencerminkan makna percakapan. T: Where is the book, Michael? S: It’s on the table, Mrs. Lee. [a] [b] [c] [d]
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
2. Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog transaksional, siswa dapat memilih gambar yang sesuai dengan deskripsi yang terdapat dalam dialog. A: which one is your dog? B: The one with black spots on the tail. [a] [b] [c] [d]
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
3. Diperdengarkan dialog sederhana, siswa dapat menentukan informasi faktual yang benar. e.g. A: Are you going to buy some bread? B: No, I am going to buy some milk. ?: What is she going to buy?
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
5. Diperdengarkan monolog sederhana dengan beberapa pertukaran peran, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban ttg. Informasi faktual A: Guess what! We can go to Puncak! B: Really? Who said so? A: Mrs. Purnomo. ?: Where are the children going?
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
6. Diperdengarkan dialog dengan beberapa pertukaran peran, siswa dapat menentukan gambar yang sesuai dengan isi dialog. A: Do you have a large garden? B: Yes. I have two rambutan trees in the front yard. [a] [b] [c] [d]
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
7. Diperdengarkan dialog sederhana, siswa dapat menentukan dimana dialog terjadi. A: May I help you, Miss? B: Yes, please. May I have fried rice and orange juice? A: Sure. Fried Rice and orange juice. B: Thanks. ?: Where does the conversation happen?
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
8. Diperdengarkan percakapan sederhana, siswa dapat menentukan pelaku percakapan. A: Good morning, Mary. B: Good morning Mrs. Morgan. A: Welcome back to school. Are you okay now? B: Yes, Mrs. Morgan. I’m fine now. Thank you. ?: Who is talking to Mary?
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
9. Diperdengarkan dialog basa-basi, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tentang isi dialog. A: Hey Doni! How was he party last night? B: Great. Rita, Andi, Tono were there too. A: Did you go with them? B: No. My dad took me there. ?: With whom did Doni go to the party? ?: Who did he meet at the party?
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
10. Diperdengarkan dialog sederhana, siswa dapat menentukan tindak tutur pembicara. A: Shall I carry this for you Madam? B: Certainly. Thanks. The man said “Shall I carry…” What does it mean? He is offering help. He is making a promise etc.
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
11. Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog recount, siswa dapat menentukan gambar yg sesuai dengan isi teks. I have a cat. It is very cute. It has white fur with black stripes on its back. It has big round eyes and a long black tail. My cat likes steamed rice and fish.
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
Diperdengarkan sebuah recount sederhana, siswa dapat menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks. Last week, we went on a picnic on the beach. We left from school at eight o’clock and arrived on the beach at nine. It was a nice warm day, so we enjoyed swimming in the warm water. We had great food too. Etc.
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
What is the purpose of the text? To tell you about past events. To describe a place To tell you a joke To tell you a story 12. Where did the students go? 13. What time…?
SMP - Listening Pilihan Ganda
14. Diperdengarkan sebuah monolog naratif sederhana, siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci yang terdapat di dalamnya. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young lady called Cinderella. She lived with he stepmother and her three daughters. Etc.
Skill Assessment Listening Tingkat SMA
Listening - SMA Diperdengarkan sebuah percakapan pendek, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban yang benar mengenai: Ungkapan meminta / memberi jasa e.g. A: May I help you, Miss? B: Sure. Could you carry these inside? A: Certainly B: Thanks a lot. ?: The man said “May I help you?” What does it mean? a. He is offering help c. He wants information b. He is giving direction d. He is giving information
Listening - SMA Making appointment Menyatakan puas/tidak puas
Meminta dan memberi informasi tentang waktu Meminta/memberi maaf Menentukan tempat terjadinya dialog Menentukan pelaku dalam dialog
Listening - SMA Diperdengarkan sebuah dialog, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban tentang kemungkinan melakukan sesuatu Kemampuan melakukan sesuatu (Menggunakan modals: can, possibly dsb.)
Listening - SMA Diperdengarkan dialog sederhana, siswa dapat menentukan tindak tutur: Perkenalan (bertemu/berpisah) dalam konteks resmi Memuji / merespon pujian Berterima kasih Membuat janji Mengungkapkan rasa senang
Listening - SMA Mengungkapkan rasa cinta Mengungkapkan kelegaan
Mengungkapkan kesedihan Mengungkapkan kecemasan Dll.
Listening - SMA Diperdengarkan monolog berbentuk naratif (atau yg lain), siswa dapat menentukan: Tujuan komunikatif teks Informasi rinci Setting
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