Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

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1 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Analisis Zat Padat Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

2 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

3 SVI & settleable solids test
Sample Imhoff cone oC >1 jam (24jam) T S Filter Endapan Filtrat 180oC >1 jam (24jam) oC (1 jam) T D S T S S 550°C (15 menit) 105oC (15 menit) 550°C (min 15 menit) 105oC (15 menit) F S S V D S F D S V S S T F S T V S T S Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

4 Quantitative Filter Papers - Ashless Grades (Ash 0.007%)
Whatman quantitative filters are designed for gravimetric analysis and the preparation of samples for instrumental analysis. They are available in three formats designed to meet your specific needs. Ashless: 0.007% ash maximum for Grades 40 to 44 and a maximum of 0.01% for the 589 Grades – very pure filters suitable for a wide range of critical analytical filtration procedures Grade 42: 2.5 µm A world standard for critical gravimetric analysis with the finest particle retention of all Whatman cellulose filter papers. Typical analytical precipitates include barium sulfate, metastannic acid, and finely precipitated calcium carbonate. Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

5 Glass Microfiber Binder Free
Grade GF/C: 1.2 µm Combines fine particle retention with good flow rate. The standard filter in many parts of the world for the collection of suspended solids in potable water and natural and industrial wastes. Fast and efficient clarification of aqueous liquids containing low to medium levels of fine particulates. Widely used for cell harvesting, liquid scintillation counting and binding assays where more loading capacity is required. Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

6 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Zat Padat Total (TS) Cawan dipanaskan 550°C (1 jam), 105°C (15 menit), dinginkan dalam desikator (15 menit), timbang dengan timbangan analitis (a gram) Tuangkan 25 mL sampel ke dalam cawan yang telah ditimbang, catat volume sampel (c mL). Panaskan °C (>1 jam/24 jam), dinginkan dalam desikator (15 menit), timbang dengan timbangan analitis (b gram). T S (mg/L) = (b-a) x 1000 x 1000 c Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

7 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Zat Padat Total Organik (T V S) dan Inorganik (T F S) Cawan dan residu dari hasil analisa TS dipanaskan 550°C (15-20 menit), dan °C (15 menit), dinginkan dengan desikator (15 menit), timbang (d gram). TVS (mg/L) = (b-d) x 1000 x 1000 c T F S (mg/L) = (d-a) x 1000 x 1000 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

8 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Zat Padat Tersuspensi ( T S S) Cawan porselin dipanaskan 550°C (1 jam) dan °C (15 menit). Kertas saring ke oven °C (1 jam). Cawan dan kertas saring masukkan dalam desikator 15 menit. Timbang cawan dan kertas saring (e gram). Letakkan kertas saring yang telah ditimbang pada vacum filter. Tuangkan 25 mL sampel di atas filter yang telah dipasang pada vacum filter, catat volume sampel (g mL). Saring sampel sampai kering atau airnya habis. Letakkan kertas saring pada cawan petridis dan masukkan ke oven °C (1 jam). Dinginkan dalam desikator (15 menit). Timbang (f gram). T S S (mg/l) = (f-e) x 1000 x 1000 g Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

9 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Zat Padat Tersuspensi Organik (V S S ) dan Inorganik (F S S) Kertas saring dan residu hasil analisa TSS atas, dimasukkan ke cawan porselin yang telah dipanaskan 550°C dan ditimbang (h gram) Cawan dan kertas saring dibakar 550°C (1 jam) dan °C (15 menit). Dinginkan dalam desikator (15 menit). Timbang (h gram). V S S (mg/L)= (h-f) x 1000 x 1000 g F S S (mg/L) = (h-e) x 1000 x 1000 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

10 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Zat Padat Terlarut (T D S) Cawan porselin dipanaskan 550°C (1 jam) dan °C (15 menit). Timbang cawan timbangan analitis (i gram). Ambil filtrat dari sampel air yang lolos dari kertas saring pada analisa TSS, catat volumenya (j mL). Masukkan ke oven 105°C (24 jam). Dinginkan di dalam desikator (15 menit). Timbang (k gram). TDS (mg/L) = (k-i) x 1000 x 1000 j Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

11 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Zat Padat Terlarut Organik (V D S) dan Inorganik (F D S) Cawan dan residu hasil analisa TDS, Dipanaskan 550oC (1 jam) dan 105oC (15 menit). Dinginkan dalam desikator (15 menit). Timbang (l gram). V D S (mg/L)= (l-k) x 1000 x 1000 j F D S (mg/l) = (l-i) x 1000 x 1000 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

12 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Sludge Volume Index Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

13 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Daftar Pustaka Alaerts, G. dan Sri Sumestri Santika, Metode Penelitian Air, Usaha Nasional, Surabaya, Indonesia, 1987. APHA, AWWA, WPCF, Standard Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater, Washington, 15 th ed., 1980. Pedoman Pengamatan Kualitas Air, Dir. Penyelidikan Masalah Air, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Jakarta, 1981. Sawyer, C.N. and McCarty P.L., Chemistry for Environmental Engineering, Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 2003. Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

14 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Di bawah ini adalah hasil analisa zat padat. Sampel yg digunakan sebesar 50mL. Cawan yang telah dipanaskan = 53,5433 g Cawan + residu setelah dipanaskan 105oC = 53,5793 g Cawan + residu setelah dipanaskan 550oC = 53,5772 g Kertas saring yang telah dipanaskan = 1,5433 g Residu + Kertas saring setelah dipanaskan 105oC = 1,5553 g Residu + Kertas saring setelah dipanaskan 550oC = 1,5553 g Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

15 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
Zat padat total = Total Solid (T S) Zat padat total organik (T V S) Zat padat total tersuspensi (T S S) Zat padat tersuspensi organik (V S S) Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

16 Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering
T S = (53,5793 – 53,5433)/50 x 1000 x 1000 = 720 mg/L T V S = (53,5793 – 53,5772)/50 x 1000 x 1000 = 42 mg/L T S S = (1,5553 – 1,5433)/50 x 1000 x 1000 = 240 mg/L V S S = (1,5553 – 1,5531)/50 x 1000 x 1000 = 44 mg/L Environmental Laboratory - Department of Environmental Engineering

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